Chapter 32: Behind Bars

Start from the beginning

I was a couple pages in when my series of locks started unlocking; it's my second time today to use the bathroom. I hid the magazine under my pillow and jumped down from my bed. My dad opened the door, "Bathroom."

I nodded and started walking out of my room, but I knew that dad wouldn't want me running loose now, so he grabbed my arm, leading me to the bathroom. "Five minutes." He told me, shoving me into the bathroom.

Not only am I imprisoned like a prisoner would be, I'm treated like one. Food isn't handed to me, it's thrown in my face or on the floor, whichever one amuses the server. I'm lucky if someone from my pack is giving me food, they still have respect for me. I'm also handled roughly. There is no holding hands on the way to the bathroom, there's arm yanking, neck grabbing, and shirt clenching. Dad may say he loves me, but my relationship with a vamp is still fresh in his mind and he's still mad about it.

Anyways, I did my business and was thrown back into my room, back into the dimly lit space that is my prison cell.

A conversation was taking place just outside my bedroom between my dad and brother.

"Can I please talk with her? She's all sad and alone, I don't want her feeling that way." Jaime said. "No, she can't talk to anyone. This is part of her punishment. She deserves to be isolated from us all." Dad growled.

"That's my sister in that room. If she's sad, I'm sad, if she's depressed, I'm depressed, I wanna see her." Jaime kept begging.

"Yes, that's your sister, you're related to her, so you two must think alike. I'm not letting anyone in there to see her. She'll want you to help her escape, to help her find the Vampire Prince, to help her take royal power with him...I can't have that." Dad still declined.

"She meant well-"

"HOW THE FUCK DID SHE MEAN WELL WITH HER RIDICULOUS ACTIONS?! SHE COULD'VE GOTTEN ALL OF US KILLED! SHE'S PROBABLY TOLD THAT VAMP PRINCE ALL OF OUR SECRETS! Now...enough asking to see your one is allowed to see her until her wedding day." Dad started walking away, but Jaime trailed after him, trying to give good reasons on why I was dating Andy.

Nothing will change their minds on how they feel about vampires. They won't believe the benefits until they see them. It's no use.


Dinner time crawled around...and thankfully, since Jaime wanted to see me so badly, he was given permission to serve me my food. Dad unlocked all of my locks and let Jaime in.

"Hey, sis! I arranged your dinner myself. I know how much you love pizza. I ordered your favorite. Two slices, five buffalo wings, and a soda." Jaime placed my food next to me on my bed. "Aww, Jaimeeee, come here." I jumped down and hugged him really tight. "And here's dessert." He pulled out a bag of cotton candy. "Oh my god! Yyeeess!!! Thank you! I love you so much, bro!" I squealed.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I'm a lot better now. I get pizza, cotton candy, and I get to see you." I smiled.

"Is there anything I can do to keep you feeling that way?"

"No, I know dad wouldn't want you doing that, don't go looking for trouble." I told him.

"Ok, so-"

"Jaime, that's enough, exit your sister's room now." Dad interrupted.

"Yes, sir...bye, sis, see you on your wedding day." Jaime frowned, slowly walking out of my room. "Ok! I'll see you! I love you!" I said it loud enough for him to hear.

The locks were locked up again and I was back to being by myself.

I ate my food and left my trash by my door for my mom to take away later. There's nothing to do...why fall into my thoughts...when I can fall asleep instead?

Against All Odds (Vampire X Werewolf) (Andy X Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now