I nod in agreement. I see Thalia pull her sketches out her bag.

"None of these look anything like them..." she wonders aloud.

"Some of them are accurate though!" I say, not wanting it to discourage her from drawing any more.

Thalia's eyes light up.

"Which ones?"

I look back down at my shoes. I'm not sure how to tell her.

"Was it this one?" she asks, showing me a picture of a badly drawn fish.

I burst out laughing.

Thalia laughs with me as well, and once we'd stopped I tell her, "I do have a very fishy friend though that you could meet if you wanted."

She looks ecstatic.

"There's more?" she asks.

I nod.

"Undyne and Alphys live in the other house."

"Do you think they would let me sketch them sometime?" she asks, timidly.

"I'm pretty certain that they'd let you," I reply. We continue walking down the lane, when we reach a small house with boarded windows.

"My parents don't really like visitors," Thalia tells me apologetically, noticing me staring at the blocks of thick wood, nailed to the house.

I wave at Thalia, who walks up her driveway and opens the front door. She waves back at me and closes the door behind her. I turn to head home, and find Sans standing inches from me. I jump backwards, startled at his sudden appearance. As soon as I had established that it was indeed Sans, and not a midnight stalker, I notice his unhappy expression.

"Toriel's not happy, is she?" I ask, both of us walking home.

Sans shakes his head.

"She really isn't. I'm here to warn you that you shouldn't freak out if her head has exploded by the time you get back."

"Gee, thanks."

I roll my eyes at him, but grinning all the same. He laughs, filling the silence of the empty street with a pleasant sound.

I turn to face him, but he's gone.

"Sans?" I call out, "Sans, are you pranking me? Come back!"

The sound of static reaches my ears, and Sans is standing back in the exact same position. This time however, he's holding a bottle of ketchup.

"You scared me!" I say indignantly, stomping over to him. He downs his bottle and grins at me.

"The whole point," he says, winking.

I cross my arms and refuse to talk to him until we reach the door to my house.

"Welp, see ya kiddo," he tells me, "I don't wanna be stuck helping you clean up explosions."

I glare at him, but he just laughs and walks towards the house to the left.

I tentatively open the door. Toriel is standing right behind it. She folds her arms and leads me to the study.

"What happened at school today?" she asks. Her tone tells me she needs the truth.

"Well," I say, "The table that I sat at for lunch happened to be the table that girls fight over. Chara tried to punch me, so I dodged."

"Chara?" Toriel says quietly, unfolding her arms. I stared down at the ground.

"That's her name."

"Why?" Toriel whispers to herself, "Of all names..."

"I know..."

Toriel dusts herself down, turns, heads out the door, then says, "Bed time, my child."

I follow her, meaning to reach out my arm to comfort her, but I can't bring myself to hurt her even more.

I slowly trudge my way to my room, dragging my feet across the floor. I pull on my

pyjamas, taking longer then usual. The images that swirl around in my head as I lay awake haunt me. I jump on my bed, gazing at the walls around me. The rosy glow coming from my lamp creates menacing shadows on the floor, creeping their way towards my toes.

I hug my knees, placing my head on them. My head spins, swimming with thoughts of the nightmares I have every night. Thoughts and images unseen by everyone but me.

These thoughts follow me everywhere I go. No matter where I am, they loom over my head. I'm close to doing it. Just one more push and I'll do it. Just one more push.

That'll do it.

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