Part Six- Surprise

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She unlocked her phone and discovered two texts from an unknown number.

I hope you're studying.

The first text read. She was utterly confused, who is this person?

Where are my manners? It's me, Mr Wolfe.

Reading his name caused her heart to freeze right in the middle of beating. He has her cell number? She hesitated for a moment, she did not know if she should respond.

Her phone buzzed again.

You checked my messages and didn't bother to reply. Why, aren't you a disobedient one?

She was stricken with nervousness. She decided to swallow her fears and text him back.

I'm sorry, sir. No, I did not study, I only recently woke up from my nap.

She re-read her text and clicked send. A few moments later her phone buzzed again, it was Mr Wolfe.

Ella, do you have a nap time? That's so adorable.

Who was this man? He ran a multi-million dollar company, yet he had time to be foolish over texts. She decided to shoot him another reply.

Mr Wolfe, I do not have a "nap time," you run a widely successful company. Why is it that you waste time texting me?

She hit send, then later regretted her text. She worried about sounding too snippy. She did not want to get on his bad side, he did give her a scholarship form after all.

Her phone buzzed again.

You're a future employee, plus, I have a really good feeling you'll be an integral part of my life.

Employee? Integral part of his life? Confused, she typed down another response that read:

As in a personal assistant? They are pretty integral in large companies.

She anxiously awaited his response.

So pure. Well, we could roleplay the whole personal assistant- boss situation, it's widely popular.

She was struggling to understand his words. She sent another text, just for clarification.

Why would I pretend to be a personal assistant? Will I be some sort of faux-employee? It makes no sense, sir.

Her phone buzzed again a few moments later.

Stay exactly how you are. I want you to remain this...dilly about such intricate topics. Goodnight Miss Avery.

Dilly? Why did every message he sent leave her fumbling in bewilderment? She did not reply, she just sat on her bed with humour on her face.

It was funny to picture the owner of a successful company,perhaps,laying on his bed shooting a teenage girl text messages.

She got under the covers and turned on the flat screen television across the room. She watched random shows until her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep.

The Surreptitious Mr. WolfeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu