Chapter Thirty Seven: Mission Impossible

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HEY GUYS! Starting in Part Two, I will be adding music along with each new chapter. I think we need some mood-music to go along, dontcha think? *wink wink* And these are some songs that I listened to when writing the chapter, so it helped me to visualize and blah-blah-blah. So clicky-click on the right sided music and read away! Thanks!!


A/N: Let’s fast-forward about five years into the future, shall we? Ricky’s out of college (don’t ask me how he was able to graduate, because I’ve got no clue), Emma’s swimming through college in Florida, James is still up in military school, and Nathan is helping his mom who’s got Alzheimer’s at home. Charlie’s surfing through middle school like a pro. And everyone is just fine and dandy! So let’s see what unfolds in Part Two of Roommates with a Player!


            I stared at my computer screen for the longest time, debating if I should reply to Nathan’s email or not. Half of me was itching to start whipping up the reply message; my fingers pulsated with the need to press on the white keys of my laptop. But the other half beckoned my mouse to the exit button, where I could keep hidden from my “past life”. I felt horrible about it, but I hadn’t replied to any of Nathan’s emails for the past two months. Each one that appeared in my inbox grew more and more desperate with questions about how I was doing and if my depression was getting worse. I wanted so badly to tell him I was all right, but I couldn’t bring myself to call him on the phone or send him an IM. It would just bring me to start asking questions about how everyone was doing back at home. And I didn’t want to go down that road.

            “Earth to Emma!” Lacey’s voice pulled me away from the email and up at her, where she stood next to my bed, scowling down at me. “Are you ready or not?”

            Boy, roommates were annoying.

            Okay, maybe I was being rude. Lacey Sullivan and Olivia Lanark were wonderful college roomies. Sometimes they got on my nerves, but weren’t they supposed to do that? And I probably annoyed them, too, since all I did was sulk in our dorm room and mumble to myself. The first week or so of college I forced myself to be as cheery as I could, but I just couldn’t keep it up. I had fallen into a deep abyss of depression and was struggling to escape. I was on meds and exercising and eating right like the doctors said, but it wasn’t doing much. So I just tried to get by in life. I mostly kept to myself. Lacey and Olivia referred to me as the “mute” and it had caught around campus, so that was now my nickname. I didn’t mind; it was basically true anyways.

            Amazingly, Lacey and Olivia had been able to overlook all the meds and pills in the bathroom cabinet and my silenced personality. A mute or not, they still treated me like a roommate. I was grateful to them.

            “R-ready?” I repeated, confused.

            “Don’t tell me she forgot!” Olivia shouted from the bathroom, where she finished applying her mascara.

            “Am I missing something?” I looked at both the girls, taking in their flashy dresses and fixed-up hairdos.

            “Uh, yeah!” Lacey barked. “We’ve got Victor’s party tonight! It’s like, the biggest one this year.”

            I groaned. “Not another one.”

            With an exasperated sigh, Lacey grabbed onto my arm and yanked me off my bed. I stumbled to my feet and shook her off me, trying to steady myself before giving her a hard glare. I hated physical contact now and Lacey knew that. But, she shrugged off my glower with a roll of the eyes.

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