h•chapter 18•h

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when you wake up tanner had left his car wasnt there you ask lindsey if she knew where she went she said no you text him he said " i will be back went to do something its a surprise" you think to yourself what it could be . you wait for him to get back .when he got home you see him with a brand new g7x mk2 camera .you ask whats this for. he says for you to make vids with. you say i cant promise i will be any good. you tell him the camera is too much money and why did he buy it for you. tanner:anything for you and i bought it so you could start a channel. you are kinda excited and scared at the same time.  what if people dont like me you say . they will tanner says. you go to his room and unbox the camera then charge it tanner shows you how to work it. then you try to vlog. he tells you that your a natural. im not gonna be as good as you though " you say . im sure you will he says. after you get the hang of the camera you meet up with elissa and jake they look cute together you and tanner say.  you hang out jake and elissa tell you what happened the other night and you vlog a little at the end of the day you edit your first vlog of course tanner helps you you upload it tanner gave you a shoutout and in less than 24 hours you hit 50,000 subs you we're amazed that night you couldn't sleep from excitement so again you talked to Lindsey.

Dreams do come true//tanner foxWhere stories live. Discover now