h•chapter 14•h

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you go back to tanner and tell him "i told you" he asked what tanner b said you say he just told me that i was nice thats all tanner calmed down then you go to starbucks in his car. after you go to starbucks you and tanner go to see a movie which was rings whenever you got scared you cuddled with tanner while he stroked your hair after the movie you went back to jacobs house to hang out tanner b was still there and so was jacob you sit with everyone and talk about what everyone did that day mafter that you and tanner went to bed in jacobs guest room the bext morning you and tanner try to spend as much time together as possible because he was leaving the next day you get sad then he invited you to go with him to san diego you get happy then you realize you might not be able to go because you still had to ask your parents you and tanner head to your house and your parents in the living room you sit down to ask then "can i please go with tanner to san diego" you say .at first they didnt know what to think they said let us talk about v it first you sit and talk then they said they made up thier mind .


Dreams do come true//tanner foxNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ