chapter 54: the cell

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megatron threw knockout and indigo in a cell and locked the door. indigo didn't cry, but knockout did. indigo had to comfort him over the loss of his best friend as she looked around the cell. there were chains and energon everywhere and she was beginning to worry about what was going to happen to them.

"knockout....... stop crying. we need to focus on how we're gunna get out" indigo whispered as the mech sobbed into her chest plates.

"o-ok" he replied rubbing the tears off his face. indigo stood and helped him up. she looked around the cell further and noticed a berth. she helped him to the berth and he curled up into a ball and sobbed. indigo paced around the cell trying to rid the images of her fallen friends body's out of her mind.

"knockout.....if we don't escape both us and the sparkling wont live" indigo said shakily. knockout kept sobbing but whimpered a response.

indigo examined the door for any weaknesses but found none, she walked to the chains that hung on the wall. she tugged on them and they came loose.

"these will come in handy for a weapon right knocks?" indigo asked mainly to herself. she knew he wouldn't reply. she walked over to him and shook him then slapped him as he sat up. she felt something die inside her then, but she wasn't sure what.

"GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF!" she screamed at him as her sorrow and fear turned to rage an bloodlust. knockout crawled away from her and she went to kick him down but collapsed in a ball of pain.

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