Day 15

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4:30 PM

It was my final year of high school. 

The disappearances were stacking up, totaling to an unimaginable number; so much that I grew fearsome of it. Now that it's clearer to me, it wasn't just something strange- something was happening then, something big. I'd wondered if the world was ending, because with every new absence, the town grew so much emptier. Would we each be plucked away until there is nothing left? 

It seemed likely, by the time I considered it.

The FSB ended up involved with one of the smallest towns in Russia; my town, a result of these unsolved vanishings. I had gotten pulled out of class for questioning more times than I could count, at least once a week, to be stared down as if I were a criminal. They were beginning to ask about my address and my parents and personal things I did not want to tell them. I evaded the questions since I had no legal obligation at the time, but only time could tell how long I didn't have that obligation; soon, I knew, they'd find a way. They were questioning everyone, but something drew them to me- but what could I possibly tell them?

I didn't know how to explain.

6:13 PM

I told Peter about it. I'd never seen him like he was; pacing anxiously, thoughtfully silent, maybe even panicked. He was unnerved.

9:12 PM

Peter left for a week straight.

It was for the first time in years. The disappearances kept going regardless, amounting to approximately forty-four and counting over the past several years. There were no race or gender specifications. It was at random; I was both told and held witness to the non-specified reaping. It made it that much more scary, for me. Would I be next?

It had started with the people around me. Now I hardly knew most of them. The police were stuck on a dead end. 

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