Justin rinsed the shampoo out of Zayn's hair and then Zayn wrapped himself in a towel and went to get changed while Justin took a quick shower.

The boys went downstairs - well Zayn limped - to have breakfast and Justin crumpled the note that Josh had left him and through it in the bin, which held the rest of Josh's notes.

The two boys left to go to school, ready for another boring and hopefully uneventful day.

Meanwhile Louis was driving back from dropping Harry and Niall off at school. Liam had gone into work early that morning as he had an early meeting.

At about twelve o'clock Louis thought he'd pop in and see his fiancé and bring him some lunch. So he drove to Nandos and got a take away before driving to Liam's office.

He's only been there a few times as things can get quite hectic when rival companies are present. The building is also massive and Liam's office takes up the top floor.

Louis walked in the door and greeted Lisa, Liam's secretary, an old woman who had been friendly with his mother.

He took the lift up to Liam's floor and then exited onto the level only to be met with a group of large men in black suits and a bunch of paparazzi.

"Excuse me." He said politely as he tried to squeeze past them and get into Liam's office.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Liam's fiancé."

This seemed to interest the paps as they were suddenly all over Louis like a rash.

"Do you know the secret investment that Mr Payne has made?"

"Why won't he tell anyone what he's invested in?"

"Louis look here."

Cameras kept flashing and Louis was getting scared as he couldn't see where he was going. He could only hear the shouts of the paps.

"What's school do your adopted boys go to?"

"Is it true that you're only with Liam for his money."

At this point the large men were crushing Louis so he pushed some of them off of him and accidentally tripped up as well and landed on top of someone.

Security stepped in and dragged a panicked Louis away from the men. He thought he was safe until he felt the security guard push him against the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Liam bellowed, finally stepping out of his office to see what all the fuss was about.

When he spotted Louis and the predicament he was in, he became even angrier.

"Mr Tomlinson attacked the paparazzi." The security guard said.

Louis shook his head, with tears in his eyes and Liam knew it couldn't be true. Louis would never intentionally hurt someone.

"I want footage. NOW." Liam barked.

A few people scurried away to get the CCTV footage but it was Lisa who reappeared with the disk.

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