Dumb Fanfic Moments #29

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People with this really good description and they make it sound original and a really good cover and everything, and all of a sudden you open the book and it starts like this,

"Omg! u guizes! mi nam iz Kylie nd I realy h8 tht gay band 1D! Liek omg! That Neil gui iz so uglaaaayy! the curly haired 1 Imma name him Harry bc he looks Liek a Harry omg! Lewis is ugly 2 and that zen guy really likes mirrors nd the one that looks like a puppy Lime he is so cute I'm gunna marry him even tho I really h8 his band. "

Like dude! learn how to spell check! I can be your editor if you want? idk. Btw. His name is Liam bit lime or Neil or Lewis or Zen.

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