Foreign Freedom

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Is it raining outside?

Or are the sunrays adorning the sight?

Who is out there?

And what are they doing?

Someone tell me

I want to know

I am trapped in a dark room

Locked up by an angel

Who broke the key

And walked away

So far that I can’t see her halo

I am trapped alone

Where I can’t tell

Anyone, how I got here

Because I always got a veto

So what is outside those four walls that I am caged in?

What do people do with their lives when they have owned their freedom?

Do people smile?

Do they laugh?

Because sometimes, I hear them from where I am

Is their laughter genuine?

Is there such thing as happiness?

Is there really love?

Or is it a fantasy to fill the emptiness?

Do they cry?

What do they feel?

Are they worm

Or always cold like me?

Maybe one day

I will face the sunlight

Maybe one day

I will walk among those who laugh and smile

Maybe one day

My angel will come back

And maybe one day

She will get me out 

Foreign FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now