Chapter IV

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Minato wakes early the next day, quite aware of the importance of the day's events. Also, if what he remembers about Kakashi is correct, he'll need to be there no later than the given time.

In fact, he'll need to be early.

He dresses in his standard ANBU uniform, black tight-fit pants, a black tight-fit shirt, chest, forearm, and shin guards, and his fox mask, and left for the training grounds.

Upon arrival, he sees the young Uchiha, alone, resting against the bark of a tree. He shunsins into the branches above him.

If he recalls correctly, the young man said something about reviving his clan and killing a certain someone. Had something happened to the Uchiha?

His thoughts were cut off when he notices the pink-haired kunoichi walk into the clearing. She smiles at the young Uchiha, but gains none of his attention or concern as he promptly ignores her.

Minato frowns somewhat at the exchange, disappointed in the Uchiha boy's manners. His attention is diverted once again as a loud voice sounds out. "Hey guys!" He sees Naruto run into the clearing.

The Uchiha sighs, and a growing irk mark can be seen on the pinkette's forehead. Why are they so displeased with my son? Minato knew Naruto was loud and obnoxious, but he was a nice kid; he meant well.

"You're late, Naruto." The pinkette scolds. Naruto rubs his neck bashfully. "Heh heh, sorry about that. I kinda slept through my alarm, and lost track of time looking for Kī-san. By the way, have either of you seen him?"

Minato feels guilty after Naruto asks the question. He had wanted to wake his son, but he wasn't exactly his "father" right now, and he couldn't afford to wait for his son to get ready because as an ANBU operative, you have to be punctual.

Speaking of punctuality. . .

Where is Kakashi?

- - - - -

Naruto huffs in annoyance at their sensei's tardiness. It's bad enough Kī left him hanging this morning and never showed up, and now he has to deal with his two annoyances alone with no interesting objective.

A poof is heard, and Naruto sees Kakashi standing before them. He isn't sure if his mind is playing tricks on him from all the blood that rushed to his head, or if Kakashi has finally shown up.

Sasuke stands from his spot at the base of the tree, Sakura following after him. Naruto removes his knees from the branch he hung on, and flips over, landing firmly on the ground.

He walks over to their sensei as Kakashi explains why he arrived so late. Just as Kakashi's excuse is done, the blurry figure of a person appears next to Kakashi and focuses to show Kī, their co-captain.

"Oi, I gotta bone to pick with you!" Naruto shouts as he points an accusing finger at Kī.

"That can wait until later, Naruto," Kakashi intervenes, attempting to avoid wasting anymore time and save Kī from an unnecessary earful, "right now, the three of you will focus on grabbing one of these."

Kakashi holds up two golden bells, each attached to a velvet string. "Take one of these from me by lunch, and you're a Genin. Fail to do so, and you go back to the Academy; plain and simple."

Naruto and Sasuke both stared hard at the bells, determined to become a shinobi, no matter what.

"Um, sensei," Sakura starts, noticing something, "there are only two bells and three of us." Kakashi nods to Sakura's assessment. "Indeed there are, Sakura. This is so one of you will fail inevitably."

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