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My friends there are some swearing in this chapter so if you guys don't like it then don't read it.

Catching him look at you so sweetly made your cheeks turn into the color pink. You turned around to hide your face and while you did that you saw Jay looking at the both of you. He wasn't happy with what he saw, but honestly he can't do anything about it because you weren't his no more. Seeing that he was looking at you, you turned around again and asked if Sunghwa would drive you home since he told you to come stay inside again. Sunghwa nodded and the both of you left.

Jay Pov

I hated the way he was looking at you and how your cheeks were pink because of his actions. You caught me looking and awkwardly turned back to Sunghwa. Honestly, I don't know why I'm feeling like this. You and Sunghwa both left the bar and walked to the door. I'm assuming that you're asking him to take you home.

-TIME SKIPP (Sorry guys T.T)

Y/n Pov

I honestly don't know why Jay had to call Sunghwa and asked if I went home safe or not. Like why are you concern if I went home safely or not? You were the one who did all these bad shit to me and now you're worrying about me?

I pulled out of the overall and slipped into the shower, I don't like sleeping without showering. The water temperature was just right,  but the thoughts of Jay calling never left your mind. I closed my eyes, and letting the water set in. You were lost in thought until the bell was ringing, now you're wondering who the hell is ringing your bell at this time of the hour. You turned off the water and pat yourself dry. Honestly at this point you didn't care who was at the door or not because you needed to put some clothes on your bare body. As you are putting on your leggings the bell rung again, now you were getting pissed off because that person had to ruin your shower time and now they're rushing you to dress. Oh hell naw, you weren't having any of it so you slid on a oversized shirt.

You walked to the door and opened it, apparently Jay is at your door at 2 in the morning. How freakin crazy is that?

"Dude what do you want?"

"Um, I just wanted to know if you got home safe or not."

"Why would you want to know? I thought we weren't going to have to deal with each other anymore."

He didn't say anything and scratched his head awkwardly.

"Jay if you're drunk go home, I don't have time for this. If you need someone to take you home I'll call Sunghwa."

"Honestly Y/n, I don't know what to do. I just... I just can't seem to find the right words to express what I want to say to you. Sorry for ruining your night, I'll leave. Goodbye, see you again."

You closed your door and head to your bedroom. You grabbed your phone and scrolled through your social medias, you couldn't sleep. You placed your phone on your nightstand and laid in bed staring at the ceiling wondering what you're gonna do next. You were getting sleepy and sleepy and time passes but as soon as you were about to fall into a deep sleep your phone was ringing. Someone was calling, you picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"I swear, you need to back off from my man. He isn't yours no more so stop trying to lure him to liking you again. You know why he cheated on you with me, it's because you weren't his interest no mor-"

"Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up I will cut you."

After saying that you ended the call, because you don't need to waste your time on a dumbass like her. You were getting tired of people hating on you because of what you do or what you say. Her dumbass made you wide awake again, now you're thinking on what Jay would do if he found out that the girl he's with right now is cheating on him. Would he be hurt like you?

-Epic time skip

After that night, her dumbass won't stop texting you.

You were getting tired of her texting you so you called Jay

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You were getting tired of her texting you so you called Jay. You told him to tell his girl to hop off your dick because she's so fucken annoying. Always bothering you with the same shit everyday!

Jay Pov

I was going to call my girl until my phone was ringing. Y/n was calling.

"Jay can you tell your girl to hop off my dick. She's been texting me non stop, tell her dumbass self to stop bothering me. I'm not even luring you so I don't know what the fuck she was thinking."

"I get it Y/n, but don't call her a dumbass she ain't one."

"Jay. I do not care if you think she's a dumbass or not because I'm done fed up with what she's saying to me. Tell her to stop bothering me or else she'll end up behind bars and I know you wouldn't like it."

She ended the call after saying what she wanted to say. I was surprised that she was swearing more than ever, she was never really hot tempered like that. I've decided that I'm gonna go home and talk to her. I got onto your car, and drove home. As soon as I got home, I realized that there was a pair of shoe that wasn't familiar, it was a guy shoe. I don't know what was going on so you quietly took off your shoe and walked into the living room. The scene that you're seeing right now isn't pleasant. In my own house my girl is making out with this one random guy that I don't even know. She broke off the kiss and giggled, she haven't realized that I was home. When she turned to me, her face was like she saw a ghost. I approached her and told her to get out of my house.

She was begging me to let her stay with me because she have no one else. I didn't what she was saying. I honestly had enough so I dragged her to the door forgetting that she was pregnant, now I was sure that she was lying to me when she said she was pregnant with my kid. Right when I opened the door I saw you there.

"I knew it."

A/n: sorry for updating so late guys ☹️, I'll try to update more on time! To all my readers thank you for supporting me and please vote and comment! ❤

Are You Happy With Me? Jay Park x Reader x SunghwaWhere stories live. Discover now