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A marriage will never be perfect, there will be times where the both of you will want to pull each other's eyes out and there will be times where you guys will be against the world.

Today was the day where the two of us will officially divorce, I know that he's been waiting for this day because he fell out of love and has found someone else. It's okay, I understand him. I couldn't be more mad when I found out but I learned to let someone go and treat myself better. If he treats you like shit and if he never sees the good in you then why are you still letting yourself suffer?

The door opened and here he comes, he was wearing his dress shirt and some jeans. That was what he will always wear when he's going somewhere important and he wants to look classy. The smell of his cologne was strong but it was my favorite scent of all. The way he moves his hand through his hair was one of his habits. His eyes found my eyes and he gave me a weak smile, all I did back was kept a stone cold face.

Our lawyers came and explained to us on what we needed to do. Yes, we hired lawyers because we wanted nothing to do with each other and we wanted to end this cleanly. After when they were done explaining, I got straight to signing the papers. I couldn't stand seeing him and having his scent filled the whole room. After when I was done, I left. There was no point of waiting for him to be done.

When I walked to the lobby, I saw his girlfriend waiting for him in the waiting room. Of course she was gorgeous, she was way more gorgeous than I am. Maybe that's because he fell out of love with me. She looked over at my way and smirked, then she stood up and walked past me and went over to Jay. I didn't notice that he was behind me either. I noticed that her stomach had a small bump and all I could think of is "Oh I see, he loves her more than when he was with me."

I felt like shit and like a dumbass who was waiting for a surprise that wouldn't happen. I was feeling okay for the past few weeks but today made me sad again. The red, orange, and yellow leaves that were on the ground were dead like me. I feel so empty and so dry. Like everyone just wants to use me and when they're done I'll be like those dead leaves we see on the ground.

Walking home was one of the things that I love to do, but it didn't feel right. It felt even more empty, since the streets were filled with no one and the rain was drizzling everywhere. Eyes wondering everywhere carelessly, the puddles that I stepped in were no longer in contact and the thought of him was gone.

Are You Happy With Me? Jay Park x Reader x SunghwaWhere stories live. Discover now