Part 1

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Hi all, I'm back with a new story!

Only 5 parts! nothing big! LOL

And I'm warning you guys... the leads in this story are really one Insane Couple as the title says! LOL!! they also have other colorful names like Indecent Couple! Dirty Couple! or Potty Mouthed Couple! You will know why this couple got such wonderful adjectives when you read the story fully! LOL

(No time to proof read so excuse my mistakes)

(Madhu's POV)

"Hey, Bitchey! Wake up" I hear my enemy's voice loud near my ears.

"Let me sleep, you Asshole" I shout back sleepily.

"You have been sleeping for 16 hours now. Get up before you starve to death."

"What do you care, you bas***d?" I spat at him, sitting on the bed.

"I'm your husband so I demand respect." He says softly but in a chilling tone.

Aww... I am scared!

"Ah!" I smirk at him. "Husband my foot!"

"One more word of insult I will toss you down from here through the balcony." He says with an evil smirk pointing to the balcony. Would he throw me down from here? From the 50th floor? Will I get any chance to survive?

"Survive? You fool! You will be f**king dead by the time your body hit the ground." He says reading my mind voice. Guess he is right. I will get a massive heart attack the moment he toss me down & die in fear before I reach the ground.

"Aww... I'm so tired!" I moan as I stretch my hands wide.

"Jetlag!" he replies with a shrug.

Then my stomach starts growling making my moronic husband to laugh.

How embarrassing? Why this stomach needs to cry so loudly?

"What's for breakfast?" I ask, my cheeks flushing.

"It's dinner time, Silly!" his laughter roars the room.

"What's for dinner then?"


"OMG! Then what you are waiting for? Go get me the pizza box."

"No way am I letting you eat the food on my bed. Move your lazy ass & walk down to the dining table."

"Why don't you pick me up bridal style & take me there?" I ask him sweetly batting my long lashes.

"Why don't I kick you from here so that you will roll down the stairs & find your way to the dining hall?" He suggests back, using the same sweet tone I used at him.

"I hate you, Rishab-f**king-Kundra" I shout, bloody loudly.

"I hate you more, Madhu-Bitching-Bala" he roars back & heads out of the bedroom.

I stare angrily at his retreating form. Why the hell they got me married to this arrogant asshole? To my rival? To my freaking enemy? Why?

But you gave your consent to marry him so shut your f**king mouth, girly! - Someone mocks me at the back of my head.

(2 months ago)

I woke up screaming, loud enough to knock the place down.

"Madhu! What happened? Open the door" my parents call out from the other side of the door.

Then I hear the sound of twisting the door knob & a second later I find myself being engulfed in my mother's arms.

"What's wrong, Madhu?" she asks ruffling my hair.

INSANE COUPLE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now