Chapter 45

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*Nicole POV*
The next morning I wake up in a lot of pain.  I try to sit up but it just hurts. I look around and see that I'm I. The hospital and Jess in in the bed next to mine. Then everything from last night comes back to me.
"Brian" I mumble hoping he's awake
"Yeah Nicole, how do you feel" he asks
"Sore. Really sore" I say
"Ok. I'll go see if I can get some pain med for you" he says
He walks out and I roll on my other side and see Jess just waking up.
"I'm sorry Nicole" she instantly says
"It's fine" I say
Spencer walks in with some food and sits down. A couple minutes later Brian walks back in. A nurse walks in as well. She gives me some Tylenol and I take it.
"They may leave after they eat some breakfast and the test results come back." she says
She walks out and Spencer passes the food out. He prays and we start eating. After we eat a doctor comes in and asks to talk to Spencer. Spencer goes out in the hall and Brian looks at us.
"When are you moving" Jess asks
"Tomorrow. And it's only a few minutes away" he says
"Ok" she says
Brian is about to say something but Spencer walks in.
"Ok. We're good to go" he says
"What did the doctor say" I ask
"Don't worry about" Spencer says
I slowly sit up and I go to stand up but Brian picks me up.
"It's gone hurt you for awhile" he says
"Thank you" I say
We go out to Spencer's car and Brian sets me down in the back and Spencer puts Jess in the back as well on the other side. They get in and Spencer drives home.
"What are we doing today" I ask
"Well the guys and I need to go to the studio. Brian I think he has work. So I don't know what I'm gonna do with you and your sister." Spencer says
"Can I go to Alan's" Jess asks
"I guess. Just be careful" Spencer says
"Casey and Megan are planning on coming to the studio today. So I can just go with you" I say
"Alright" Spencer says
"Not a lot of walking around Sis" Brian says
"I don't think I'm able to do much walking" I say
Spencer drops Brian off at work then drops Jess off at Alan's then goes to the studio. We get there and he carries me in then sets me on the couch.
"What happened" Caleb asks since he's the only one there
"Jess had another outrage and Nicole tried to stop her but Nicole ended up getting hurt by Jess" Spencer says
"How's Jess" Caleb asks
"She's fine" Spencer says
"The doctor spoke with him but he won't tell us anything" I say
"I'm sure Spencer will tell you when it's time" Caleb says
"The Stampers have arrived you may now applaud" Casey says
"That's something Joey would've said" I say
"He's too tired to say that. I actually drive here. He's still in the car half asleep" She says
"He'll be in soon. Chad found him dosing off" Megan says
A couple minutes later Chad walks in and Joey stumbles in. He goes right to the other couch and lays down.
"Why is he like this" I ask
"We were watching a movie. And then we all wanted to watch another. We watched a couple more until about 12:30. Then we went to bed. Apparently Jason woke Joey up at 2 with a head ache. Then again at 4 because it didn't go away. Then at 4:30 Joey woke up to the sound of Jewel throwing up from morning sickness. So he stayed up with her. And by the time she went back to sleep it was time to get ready and leave." Casey says
"Oh ok" I say
The guys go to their desks and start talking and working and us three girls start discussing stuff.
"Have you uploaded any of our music to YouTube yet" Casey asks
"Sort of" megan says
"What do you mean by sort of" I ask
She pulls out her laptop and pulls up the guys YouTube and plays a video. As we watch it I realize she took parts of different videos and put them together.
"This is to give a sneak preview. Tomorrow we're posting a video to our channel and the guys channel." Megan says
"How do you have this all figured out" I ask
"Chad and I have been talking and working on stuff" she says
"Ok" Casey says
"Girls we have some news" Caleb says
"Girls I'm sorry but us guys are going on tour" Joey says
"For how long" I ask
"Not sure yet." Spencer says
"Oh yeah and you girls can come too but only if you're our opening act" Chad says
"Yes. We want to do it." We say
"Ok. We'll call Nick and let him know" Caleb says
"Oh yeah you girlies need to get someone to be on the tour bus with you because we don't have room on ours so you need your own" Chad says
"Kyle and John will come" Casey says
"We said someone. Not someone's" Caleb says
"No you said someone's" megan says
The guys just shake their heads but go back to working.
"When would we leave" I yell
"In a week." Spencer says
"Who is Jess going to stay with since Brian is moving out" I ask 
"She can stay with Brian" Spencer says
"Ok" I say
"Where is tour going to be at" Casey asks
"Well cous we don't have that all figured out yet" Joey says attacking Casey
"Joseph get off of me" Casey whines
"No can do. This is your punishment" he says
"For what" Casey whines
"For waking me up right as I was about to fall asleep this morning" Joey says
"You should've let me or Tyler deal with Jason instead of sending us back to bed." Casey says
"Yeah well you two weren't even asleep yet" Joey says
"How do you know this" megan asks
"I heard Casey and Tyler talking to each other. Then they both came out of Tyler's room." Joey says
"Do you know when the baby is due yet" I ask
"Between December 18 and December 28th" Joey says
"Megan it could be born on yours and Dylan's birthday" Caleb says
"No dur" Megan says
"Alright are we all done arguing" Joey asks
"Why what's wrong" Spencer asks
"Jewel's having cravings again and she's in tears and Tyler is freaking out and Jewel is freaking out on him then" Joey says
"All right you guys stay here. Us girls will deal with it. Joey or Dad I will need the keys to you car" megan says
Chad tosses megan his keys and we start heading for the door.
"Be careful Nicole" Spencer yells
"Don't worry I will" I say
We get in the car and megan starts it.
"Ok when we get there Nicole talk with Tyler and calm him down. Casey and I will talk with Jewel." Megan says
We arrive at Joey's and go in. I go up to Tyler's room and I go in.
*Casey POV*
We get inside and Jewel is on the floor in the living room crying. Megan and I go over and sit on either side of her.
"Hey Jewel what's wrong" I ask
"I want ice cream but there's none in the house and I don't want to go to the store" she says
"Do you want me to go get you some" megan asks
"No I want Joey to get me some. Why isn't he hear"she sobs
"He's still at work. We finished up and offered to come here" I say
"I'll stay here with Jewel. Take the car and go get Joey and the ice cream" megan says
"Ok" I say
Megan hands me the keys and I go out to the car. I get in and drive to the studio. I go inside and the guys are fooling around.
"Come on joe we gotta go. Leave your keys here for Chad." I say
He tosses Chad his keys then follows me to the vehicle. I get in and start it. Once we're both buckled up I drive to the store.
"Go get some ice cream for Jewel" I say
He nods and gets out and goes inside the store. A few minutes later he comes out with 5 cartons of ice cream. He gets back in and I drive back to our house. He goes over to Jewel and Megan and I go up to Tyler's room. We go in there and Tyler and Nicole are looking at something. We go over and sit with them.
"Is that the photo album" megan asks
"Yep" Nicole asks
"Oh my gosh we're so little. Nick, Owen, Jason weren't born yet. Jess was only a baby. But Dylan was hanging out with us" I say
"And look he's standing next to megan holding her hand. He's smiling and she's pouting" Tyler says
"See we never liked each other" megan says
"Yes you did. You just never wanted to admit it." Nicole says
"She's not wrong" Tyler says
"I hate you all" megan says
"No you don't. You love us" I say
We continue talking and fooling around. A few minutes later Joey walks in.
"Hey Tyler where's Jason" Joey asks
"Oh he wanted to go to Alan's so Alan picked him up. Dylan was going to play video games with me but he got grounded by his uncle even if he is 21." Tyler says
"Then where are his siblings" joey asks
"Faith and Hope wanted to take the two older girls shopping for clothes and then Megan asked Joel and Moriah if they'd watch the twins" I say
"Ok. Well Jewel is taking a nap. The guys want to watch the basketball game together so they're all coming here." Joey says
"Why" I whine
"I don't know. They just told me they were coming here" Joey says
"We could just lock them out" Tyler says
"We could" Nicole says
All of a sudden megan runs out of the room and Joey runs after her. We all then go running after them. We get down there and they're wrestling. Tyler steps over them and locks both locks. I go to the back door and lock that door as well. All of a sudden we hear a hand tap the floor we look and see that Joey has Megan pinned to the floor. Tyler takes a picture then there's a knock at the door. I go over to the window and see the three guys.
"Should I let them in" I ask
"No" megan says
"No" Nicole says
"Never" Tyler says
"Let them in. I'll lock them downstairs" Joey says
I unlock the door and before I open the door I let megan stand up so it's not obvious she got pinned. I open the door and the guys walk in.
"Alright. Jewel is asleep so we'll watch the game downstairs. Go ahead down there. I'm going to check on Jewel real quick." Joey says
The guys go downstairs and once we hear the tv turn on we close the door and lock it. We then sit in the living room and watch Disney movies. A few hours later there's banging on the door. I go over to the door.
"Guys stop banging you're going to wake Jewel up" I say
At that moment Jewel comes downstairs and sits next to Joey.
"Hey baby. How are you feeling" Joey asks
"Good. What's all the banging" she asks
"Just people in the basement" Nicole says
"By people do you mean the guys" Jewel asks
"Maybe" Tyler says
Jewel gets up, unlocks the door, opens it, slams it shut, then locks it again. She comes back over and sits down.
"Jewel that hurt" we hear
"Too bad Spence get over it" Jewel yells
"How did you know it was me" Spencer asks
"Because you're a big baby" Jewel says
"He is. He really really is" Nicole says
"I can hear you cous. Shut up." Spencer says
"Spencer none of that language" Caleb says
"No one asked you daddy Grimm" Spencer says
"We all asked for his comment. He's the only one besides me who keeps everyone sane" megan yells
"Oh Joey I've gotta go somewhere but I'll be back for dinner" Tyler says
"Alright." Joey says
"I want to come" megan says
"Me too" I say
"Me" Nicole says
"Fine" Tyler says
We get our shoes on and go to Tyler's car. Nicole takes shot gun and megan and I sit in back.
"Where are we going" I ask
"You'll see" Tyler says
We get to a building and Tyler parks.
"What is this place" Megan asks
"My special place. Come on" Tyler says
We get out and follow him inside.
"This is a run down, old, abandoned building. I talked with the borough and they let me use it and I give them a filler or two a month basically as rent." Tyler says
We go in and there's a guitar and sheets of paper everywhere.
"Woah Tyler I didn't know you could play or write" I say
"No one really does" Tyler says
"Who does" Nicole asks
"Brian and Megan. Megan only knows is because when she was getting a lesson from Brian I was there and I was playing my guitar" Tyler says
Tyler grabs his guitar and strums on it. A couple minutes later we hear footsteps.
"Faith what are we doing here" hope whines
"I just wanted to check this building out" faith says
They come into view and Tyler stands up and starts singing thinking out loud.
When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me—I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am
So, honey, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way (mmm...)
I know you will still love me the same
'Cause, honey, your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand
That, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are (oh, oh)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, lo-ud
So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
But maybe we found love right where we are
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are

Tyler walks over to Hope and gets down on one knee. Hope I've been through many up and downs and I know you have been too. But as soon as I payed eyes on you I knew you were the one. The one who could make my life complete. There's still one whole so will you make it complete by marrying me" Tyler proposes
"Yes" Hope cries
We clap and cheer.
"Faith can you go grab my bag from your car" hope asks
"Yeah" faith says
She goes outside and once she's out of view Tyler tells us to follow. We go out there and Brian is standing there.
"Faith I've known you since we were little. Well sort of. The first time I met you we were five and I thought you had cooties. You then left and I didn't see you for years. I then saw you again when I moved out here and my whole perspective of you changed. So Faith will you marry me?" Brian asks
"Of course" faith says
"Wow now there can be a double wedding" I say
"Calm down sis" Tyler says
"Come on let's go to Dairy Queen and celebrate" Nicole says
"Here I'll go and let you guys celebrate as family" megan says
"Nope you're coming with" Faith says
"Yep" Brian says
"Fine" Megan says
We get in the cars and our brothers drive to Dairy Queen. We get there and go inside. We order then sit down once we get our ice cream.
"So Ty does this mean you're moving out" I ask
"Yeah. But don't worry I won't be to far. There's an apartment building a few blocks down and I got an apartment there" Tyler says
"Ok" I say
"Ugh if Liam and Casey get married Dylan will have to get a house for him his siblings and possibly me" megan says
"Why don't you just kick Liam out" I ask
"True" Megan says
We finish our ice cream and go back to the vehicles. Tyler drops megan off at Chad's then Hope off at her house then we go home. We go in and Joey and Jewel are asleep on the couch together. I go upstairs and get changed into pajamas. I get in bed and lay there till I drift off to sleep.

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