Chapter 10

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*Casey POV*
We're all at Chad's house hanging out waiting for Megan to wake up. Alan picked Nicole and Jessica up on his way here.
"Casey" Nick whines
"What buddy" I ask
"Where's sissy" he asks
"She's sleeping. Why don't you go play with Lukey" I say
"Ok" he says
"Chad what time is it" Joey asks
"Um almost one why" Chad asks
"Because I'm bored. Can't I go wake Megan up" Joey asks
"No Joseph you may not. She needs her sleep. Now you can either go check on the kids or feed Owen his bottle" Fallon says coming downstairs
"I'll feed Owen" Joey says
Fallon passes Owen and the bottle over to Joey and has us girls follow her. We follow her upstairs and to a guest room.
"Do you girls think we should wake her up" Fallon asks
"No" Nicole and I instantly say
"Ok" she says
"Do you know what time she fell asleep at" Nicole asks
"Um I'm not sure. She helped put the boys to bed then went back downstairs. I headed to bed. Chad would be the one to ask." Fallon says
I get up and go downstairs.
"Chad what time did Megan go to sleep at last night" I ask
"I think around 1 or 2" he says
"Ok. You guys should go pick up some lunch and bring it back" I say
"Let's go Alan. We'll leave Caleb and Joey in charge of the kids" Chad says
"Ok" Alan says
They get up and leave. I go back upstairs to the guest room.
"She went to bed between 1 and 2" I say
"Somethings definitely wrong then" Nicole says
"My exact thoughts" I say
"Why" Fallon asks
"The latest she'll sleep in is 9:30" I say
"Ok what do you girls want to do then" Fallon asks
"Nicole you go check on her. Just in case she is sick I don't want to get sick" I say
"Ok" Nicole says
*Nicole POV*
I leave the guest room and go to the room Megan is sleeping in. I open the door and go in. I go over to the bed and Megan has tear stains on her face and her cheeks are all puffy and face red. It looks like she's been crying all night and morning and finally got to sleep. I quietly walk out and go back to the guest room.
"Is she sick" Casey asks
"No but she was up late crying. I could tell because there are still tear stains and her cheeks are puffy. We just need to wake her up by 2 or she won't sleep at all tonight" I say
"Ok. We'll have Chad wake her up and try to talk with her. I think those two have a close bond" Fallon says
"I agree" Casey says
We all get up and go downstairs. We get down there just as Chad and Alan are walking in the door with pizzas.
"Is Megan ok" Chad asks
I just nod my head.
Chad looks skeptical at first but drops it. We go to the kitchen. Alan prays and we all start eating and helping the kids get food.
"Joe do you want some" Chad asks
"Cheese less" Joey asks
"Yeah" Chad says
"Then I'll take a piece." Joey says
Luke quickly finished his pizza then goes over and takes his baby brother from Joey so Joey could eat. Well until Jason went over and say on Joey's lap.
"Nicole, Casey can I talk with you two" Chad asks
"Yeah" we sigh knowing what he's going to ask
We put our plates down and follow him outback. We sit on the porch steps.
"Ok what's wrong with Megan. I know it's nothing" Chad says
"She cried herself to sleep last night" I say
"Why couldn't I hear her" he asks
"Because she either has a silent cry or an audible cry. And she knows how to switch between them to keep people from knowing she's crying. She doesn't like people knowing she cries because her dad always say it's a sign of weakness and she's afraid to tell people she was crying" Casey says
"But we think that you should go wake her up because you are most likely to get her to talk" I say
"Ok. I'll go try now" he says
*Chad POV*
I go inside and up to the room Megan is sleeping in. I go in and walk over to the bed. I sit down next to her and gently rub her back.
"Megan it's time to wake up" I say
She slowly starts to wake up. After she's more than half awake she sits up.
"Hey Chad" she yawns
"Hey. Did you sleep well" I ask
"Sort of. Did my brothers wake you and Fallon up" she asks
"Yeah but it's fine. It wasn't until 6" I say
"Ok" she says
"You ok? What's wrong" I ask
"I don't really want to talk about it" she says
"What if we went for a walk or to the studio where no one can hear us. I really want to help" I say
"Can we go on a walk" she asks
"Of course let's go. Did you bring a sweatshirt with you" I ask
"No" she says
"Do you want to borrow mine" I ask
"I'll be fine Chad" she says
"Ok" I say
Stand up and then she get out of bed. She quickly puts her shoes on and we go downstairs.
"Megan and I will be back" I say
"Ok" I hear Alan say
We go outside and start walking.
"Do you want to tell me why you were crying" I ask
"Well I remembered all the bad thing that have happened to me. And then I started missing John and Kyle. Also I realized I was never going to see my dad again" she says
"John and Kyle were like your dads when you were growing up weren't they" I ask
"John, Kyle, and Luke" she says
"Well do you still have contact with your dad" I ask
"No. My mom took my phone once I got home and deleted and blocked his number" she says
We get to a park and she runs over to a tree and climbs it. I follow behind her. Once were both seated Megan says something.
"Do you think Luke still has his number" She asks
"I don't know. You could always ask him" I say
"Chad I really miss my family. I liked how it was when I was younger. Where I was treated as a somebody and my parents weren't fighting. Chad I hate this life" she cries
"Megan come on let's get down and then follow me" I say
"Ok" she says
I climb down out of the tree and she follows behind. Once she's down she hops on my back.
"Really" I ask
"Yes. Really" she says
I sigh but start walking. After 10 minutes I finally get to the spot.
"Where are we" Megan asks
"You don't remember this from anywhere" I ask
"Is this the place where you did the roar video" she asks
"Yup" I say
She gets off my back and we continue walking.
"It's beautiful here" she says
"Yeah. It is. Now follow me" I say
We walk over to the cliff and I stop her. We both look down.
"Why did you show me this" she asks
"You could kill yourself if you jumped from here and you jumped from the wrong place. We only jumped because there were people down below to help if one of us got hurt. Don't jump. We all care about you. If you jump I bet Luke would jump. Every one would miss you. Think about your little brothers. Do you really want them to have to live with your mom and grandma alone? With out a dad, sister, or even a mom" I ask
"No. I just wish I could get my own place where my brothers and I could live and we wouldn't have to worry about my mom." She says
"I know you do and I'm sorry. Just remember Fallon and I are a few houses down. Just come over with your brothers if you want to escape from your mom for a while. I'm sure any of the ladies would watch your brothers if you wanted to go hang out with Casey and Nicole. We all love you" I say
"Thanks Chad" she says
"No problem" I say
"Should we head back" she asks
"We can or we can stay here for a bit and just walk around" I say
"Can we walk around? I really like it here" she says
"Ok" I say
We continue walking and a half hour later my phone rings.
C-hey Joe what do you need
J-somethings wrong with Luke. I tried Megan's phone but she didn't pick up. Hurry
C- ok we'll be there soon
I hang up and go over to Megan.
"Somethings going on with Luke. We have to go" I say
As soon as I say that Megan takes off running and I follow behind her. We quickly get back to my house. We go inside to find Luke on the floor and Joey knelt down beside him.
"Where's everyone" I ask
"They're out back." Joey says
"Ok. I'm going to go outback with them. Joe you stay in here with Megan. Do as she says" I say
"Got it" Joey says
I go outback and nick runs over to me crying I pick him up and hold him on my hip.
"What's wrong Nick" I ask
"Is Bubby going to be ok" he asks
"Your brother should be just fine" I say
"I want to see him" he cries
"You can't right now. In a little bit." I say
"No" he cries
"Nick you have to calm down. You're going to make yourself sick" I say
"I can't. Me want Bubby and sissy" he whines
"Fallon can you go get him some water" I ask
"Yeah" she says
She goes inside and comes back out with some water. I open it and hold it while Nick takes a sip.
"You ok" I ask
"Mmhmm" he says
I set him down and he goes over to Rowe.
*Megan POV*
Once Chad goes outback I kneel down next to my brother.
"What happened" I ask
"We were all sitting here talking when you brother started to not look so good. I asked if he was ok and he said sort of. Caleb suggested for him to go upstairs and take a nap. He stood up and started walking when he just collapsed on the floor." Joey says
"Well he's still breathing which is a good thing. Can you go get a bottle of water" I ask
Joey gets up and goes to the kitchen. He returns with water. I take off the lid and pour some water on Luke's face. It doesn't work. I slap his cheek a few times and he still doesn't wake up.
"Joe help me sit him up and lean him against the couch" I say
Joey helps me and we get him up against the couch. I tilt my brothers head back and open his mouth. I pour some water in his mouth.
"I don't know what to do Joe" I say
"Call 911" Joey says
"No Joe. It can't be that serious" I say
"Megan either call 911 or I will take him to the hospital myself" Joey says
"Fine. You call them" I say
He walks off to call them and I stay by Luke. Joey returns and a few minutes later I hear an ambulance. The paramedics come in and take my brother out on a stretcher.
"Joey will you go with them. I can't stand to see it but I want someone to go with him" I say
"Of course" he says
He goes outside and quickly gets in before they leave. Once they drive off I go outback. Nick instantly runs over to me.
"Where's Bubby" he asks
"He went somewhere" I say
"Did Joey go with him" Chad asks understanding what I mean
"Yeah. Can you drive me over there" I ask
"Of course." He says
"Here Megan leave Nick here" Kelsey says
She comes over to take him but he just screams.
"No he can come. And Owen" I say
Chad goes and grabs Owen from Jess. We go out front and put the kids in then we get in. He heads to the hospital. We get there and get the kids out then go in. We find Joey and go over to him.
"Do you know anything yet" I ask
"No. They were going to run tests and stuff." He says
I sit down next to him. Owe starts crying so I try rocking him but it doesn't work. I was going to grab his paci before we left but we were in a rush. I stand up and just walk around the waiting room a bit but it still doesn't work. A receptionist comes over to me and hands me a pacifier.
"Thank you" I say
"No problem Hun" she says
I walk back over to the others and sit down.
"I'm really worried" I say
"We know Megan. We know" Joey says
"Lucas Jackson" a doctor says
I get up with Owen in my arms and go over.
"I'm his sister" I say
"Ok well has your brother been getting sick a lot lately" he asks
"Um I'm not sure. I was here on a trip and he just got out here two weeks ago and he was healthy that whole time. My younger brother Nick might know" I say
"Ok" the doctor says
I go over to Chad and Joey. I hand Owen over to Joey and take Nick from Chad. I then go back over to the doctor.
"Hi buddy can you tell me if your older brother has been sick a lot" the doctor asks
Nick nods his head then buries his head in my shoulder.
"Does that help" I ask
"Yeah" the doctor sighs
"What? What's wrong?" I ask
"Your brother has this very rare virus. We're still looking for a cure for it." The doctor says
"Oh my gosh. Am I able to go see him" I ask
"No. I'm sorry. We really aren't fully sure of the symptoms and stuff so we can't really let anyone see him" he says
"Ok. Thank you." I say
I give him my number if he needs to contact me then I walk over to the other two.
"He has a rare virus. No one is allowed to go see him" I say
"No Bubby" Nick whimpers
"Sorry Nicky" I say
His bottom lip starts to quiver and he bursts into tears. Joey takes him from me and goes outside.
"Everything will be okay" Chad says
"This is all my fault. I should have known. I bring bad luck to my family" I say
"No you don't. And this isn't your fault. You couldn't have done anything about it. He didn't tell you that he was sick often. Just the one time. He'll get better" Chad says
"Hopefully" I mumble
"He will now come on. Let's go back to my house" he says
"Ok" I say
He hands me Owen and we go outside. We get out there and Joey is doing a handstand while Nick is trying to knock him over.
"Oh hey guys" Joey says
"Hey Joe" I say
He gets out of his handstand and picks Nick up. We walk to Chad's car and get in. He starts the car and drives to his house. We get there and go inside. Everyone is watching Frozen. Nick runs over and sits down next to Rowe. Casey and Nicole get up and come over to me.
"How is he" Casey asks
"Well he has a rare virus and that's all I really know. I wasn't allowed to go see him" I say
"I'm sorry" Nicole says
"It's fine" I sigh
"You okay" Nicole asks
"Yeah." I say forcing a smile
"Ok" she says they go and sit back down. I go to the kitchen where Fallon and the ladies are talking.
"Hey Megan. How's your brother doing" Brycie asks
"I'm not really sure. I didn't get to see him. All the doctor told me was that he has a rare virus that they don't have an antidote for yet and that no one can see him" I say
"That sucks" Kelsey says
"Yeah. Fallon do you know if there was anymore formula in the diaper bag" I ask
"No there isn't" she says
"Ok. Do you mind if you watch my two brothers while I run home to get Owen a bottle" I ask
"Of course we'll watch them" she says
I hand Owen over to Kelsey and leave through the front door. I quickly run to my grandma's house. I get there and no cars are in the driveway. I unlock the door and go in. I quickly put formula in a bottle and leave. Lock-in the door behind. I run back to Chad's and go inside. I return back to the kitchen. I fill the bottle with some water and warm it up in the microwave. Once it's done Kelsey hands me Owen again. He starts drinking the formula.
Once he's done I put the bottle on the counter and join everyone in the living room. I sit on the floor in front of Caleb.
"We should go to the park" Casey says
"Yes" Nick and Rowe say
"I'm down for that" Tyler says
"I'll go" Brian says
"Sure why not" Nicole say
"Yippee" Jess, Presley, and AJ say
"Yas" I say
"Ooh play" Jason says
"Well it looks like it's up to what you guys say" Brycie says
"Ok" Alan says
"I'll go" Caleb says
"Dude I'll go" Joey says
"Sweet this means I get to tackle Joey. I'm going" Chad says
"Ok. Megan we'll watch Owen" Fallon says
"Ok" I say
I hand her Owen and put my sweatshirt on.
"Do you guys want me to run and grab the double stroller we have for my brothers" I ask
"Sure" Joey says
"I'll go with" Casey says
"Ok" I say
We go outside and start walking. We grab the stroller and head back. We put Nick and Rowe in the stroller since Jason wanted to be carried. Alan is pushing the stroller. Casey is on my back. Nicole is on Caleb's and Chad has Presley on his back then AJ is on Jess' back. Tyler and Brian are in front of everyone talking. We get to the park and the kids run off to playground. The guys head over to. I'm about to walk off when Casey stops me.
"I know you aren't fine" she says
"I know I'm not either but I need you and Nicole to stop worrying about me for a month and worry about yourselves. I can handle myself" I say
"Yeah but you've gone through more at a young age than any person should have to" she says
"And I'll be fine. I promise" I say
"Ok" she sighs. I run off towards the playground to play with the others.
*Casey POV*
I go over to a tree and sit down underneath it leaning against the trunk. I start playing with the grass as I think.
"What's wrong" I hear a voice asks
I look up and see Joey standing there.
"Nothing Joe. I'm fine" I say
"Come on. Tell me what's wrong. You're usually excited to fool around" he says
"Not today. Today is different" I say
He sits down next to me on the grass and looks up at the sky.
"Why's that" he asks
"Megan is annoyed with me and Nicole" I say
"How come" he asks
"Well the whole trip we were here we worried about her. Then today Nicole asked if she was okay and she said yes but forced a smile. So once we got here I told her I knew she wasn't and that Nicole and I want to help her. She said she knew she wasn't fine but wanted to do things for herself" I say
"Megan is one of those people where she either goes to you all the time or only certain people can get her to share. There's really no in between" Joey says
"Just like how Chad asks? There's one way or another. No in between" I say
"Yeah. I think that's one of the many reasons why she feels connected with him" Joey says
"Thanks Joey" I say
"Hey that's what older cousins are for" he says
He stands up then helps me up. I give him a hug then run off to the playground him hot on my tail. I get to the playground and run over to Chad. I jump on to his back for protection.
"Woah Casey what's going on" he asks
"Joey's chasing me" I say
"Joseph don't chase the poor girl" Chad says
Chad turns around and Joey is frowning.
"Why not." He asks
"Casey go play with the others while I teach dimbledork over here a lesson" Chad says
I hop off Chad's back and run over to Nicole and Megan.
"Great your here. We're going to put wood chips in Caleb's hair" Nicole says
"And dirt" Megan says
"Ok what's the plan" I ask
"Megan will tackle him and we'll put the stuff in his hair" Nicole says
"Great." I say
Megan runs over to Caleb and tackles him. We grab wood chips and dirt and run over there.
"No. Don't you dare" Caleb says
"Cabey there is nothing you can do now" I say
"You three are so going to get it" Caleb says
We put the stuff in his hair then all three of us run. I go to Tyler and hop on his back. Nicole hops on Brian's back and Megan just runs, probably to climb a tree.
"What are you girls doing on outer backs" Brian asks
"Caleb is after us" I say
"What did you do" Tyler asks
"Put dirt and wood chips in his hair" Nicole says
They let us off their backs and we start running. We end up running into Caleb.
"Hello girls" he says
"ALAN! Help us" we yell
Alan looks over at us and shakes his head.
"Now where's the last one" he asks
"In a tree" I say
"Found her" Joey says
Megan gets down and Joey escorts her over here. Us three girls lay on the ground and look up at the clouds.
"What are you doing" Chad asks
"Cloud surfing" Megan says
I look over at her and see that her eyes are closed and she's smiling. I elbow Nicole and she looks over to. We both smile.
"Why are you cloud surfing" Joey asks
"Because it's fun" Megan says
Chad looks over at Nicole and me and reads the look on our faces.
"Let's go check on AJ, Presley, and Jess" Chad says
"Thank you" I mouth
He just nods his head and they walk away.
"Are you girls gonna cloud surf with me or not" Megan asks
We lay back down and close our eyes. After a few minutes the three of us are cloud surfing together. However, that quickly ends when we become dog piled. We open our eyes to see all the kids on top of us. Minus the two older ones.
"What" we whine
"Come on Megan time to goooo. We have to watch Sesame Street" Nick says
"That's only on in the morning. But we can watch dinosaur train" Megan says
"Yes now get up before I send someone to deal with you three" Jess says
"No" we say
We hear them all walk away and we close out eyes again. All of a sudden though I'm lifted off the ground. I scream and open my eyes. I look up and see Joey. I then look over at the others and see Alan grabbed Nicole and Chad grabbed Megan.
"Let's go girls. It's time for dinner" Caleb says
They set us on the ground and we start running. We don't stop until we get to Chad's. We shut the door and go to the living room.
"Where are the others" Kelsey asks
"They're coming. We ran here though" Megan says
"Why" Fallon asks
"Oh we might have caused a little bit of trouble at the park" I say
"What do you mean by a little trouble" Brycie asks
"Wood chips in Caleb's hair. Refusing to stop cloud surfing" Nicole says
"Ok then" Kelsey says
We sit down and watch the tv. A few minutes later everyone comes in. We go to the dining room and sit down. Chad prays and we start eating. Half way through dinner there's a knock at the door. Chad gets up to answer it.
"Megan" he calls
Megan goes to the door then comes back.
"Come on Nick time to go home" Megan says
"No. I no like home. Home scary. I like here" Nick says
Megan grabs Owen and goes upstairs. She returns with bags. She grabs Nick hand.
"Bye" she says
"Bye Megan" we all say
She leaves with a crying Nick.
"Nick is terrified of his own home and Megan hates it there" I say
"She has to go through so much and she's only 15" Fallon says
"Let's just finish eating." Alan says
We spend the rest of dinner eating in silence. After dinner Nicole and I help with dishes.
"Nicole, Casey can we talk with you" Alan asks
We nod our heads and follow the guys outside.
"What's up" I ask
"We're worried about Megan" Caleb says
"We are too" Nicole says
"But she doesn't want help because she doesn't want us to always worry about her" I say
"We need to do something to help her. Things are getting worse and without Luke around she seems more depressed than usual" Chad says
"Wait did she get to see him" Caleb asks
"No. No one is allowed to." Joey says
"We have to think of something" Alan says
"We will. Let's just pray and think over night" Nicole says
We all agree. Alan prays and we go back inside.
"Ready" Joey asks
"Yep" I say
Joey picks up Jason and we go to his car. We get in and he drives home. Once we get inside I head up to my room. A few minutes later there's a knock.
"Come in" I say
Joey comes in and sits on the edge of my bed.
"You okay" he asks
"Yeah" I sigh
"Come on tell me the truth" he says
"I'm just worried about her" I say
"We all are now get some sleep. Night Casey" he says
"Night Joe." I say
He leaves the room and I drift off to sleep.

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