Chapter 4

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*Megan POV*
I wake up and look at my phone. I actually slept in. It's 8:30. I get up and get dressed. I go downstairs and join Caleb at the table.
"Good morning. How did you sleep" Caleb asks
"Really good" I say
"Fantastic. Well we're going to hang out the zoo today and then go lights seeing" He says
"Ok" I say
"Do you want breakfast" he asks
"No" I say
"Will you at least eat a piece fruit" he asks
"Fine" I say
I grab an apple and eat it. I finish it and throw it out.
"You ready? We're meeting everyone else at the zoo" he says
"Yeah" I say
He grabs his keys off the table and we go outside.
"Wait Caleb I forgot my sweatshirt" I say
"I have an extra one in my car" he says
"Ok" I say
We get in and he reaches into the backseat. He grabs the sweatshirt and hands it to me. I put it on and buckle up.
"Thanks" I say
"No problem" he says
A half hour later of singing and goofing off we get to the zoo. I spot the others and run over to them.
"Peoples" I yell
"Caleb did you give her any sugar" Joey asks
"No I just gave her an apple" Caleb says
"I'm only hyper because I had more than 5 hours of sleep" I say
"Oh gosh. Casey remember when she had 11 hours of sleep" Nicole says
"Oh yeah. She couldn't stop running around the house. Her brothers made us sit on her lap" Casey says
"Ok kids lets get started" Alan says
I walk over to Chad and jump on his back.
"Really Megan" he whines
"Yeah. Would you like some cheese for that wine of yours" I ask
"Sorry but I don't like wine" he says
"Come in to two. The other two girls are getting impatient" Caleb says
"Get off" Chad says
"No" I say
"Why are you wearing Caleb's sweatshirt" Joey asks
"How can you tell" I ask
"It says Grimm Shady on the back" he says
"Oh. I forgot my sweatshirt in the house so he's letting me use his" I say
"Doofus" Chad says
"Shut up and walk" I say
He sighs and starts following the group. He catches up to them.
"We should go look at the elephant seals" Casey says
"They don't have animal seals here" Joey says
"Phooey" she says
"Aww what's wrong. Is the little elephant seal lost" I ask
"What do you mean little elephant seal" Caleb asks
"Casey is an elephant seal, I'm a wolf, and Nicole is a polar bear" I say
"Weird" Chad says
"Look who's talking the one who thinks he can beat me at laser tag" I say
"You're lucky you're on my back" he says
"Guys lets just go look at the flamingos" Nicole says
"I'm a flamingo" I shout
"Megan stop yelling in my ear" Chad says
"Sorry" I say
He sets me down and I run over to the girls. Casey hops on my back and we continue over to the flamingos. After several hours of walking around the zoo. And Casey never getting off my back.
"Alan get this person off my back she's killing me" I say
"I'm surprised you carried her around that long." Alan says
"Just get her off I think she's asleep. I keep on hearing quiet snores" I say
"Ok ok" he says
He grabs her and puts her on Joey's back.
"Why on my back" he asks
"Because" Alan says
I turn around and see Nicole on Chad's back. I walk over to Alan and he slings his arm over my shoulder.
"You ok love" he asks
"Yep" I say
"Are you guys hungry" he asks
"Yes" they all say
"What about you" he asks
"Eh I'm not really hungry but I know either Chad or Caleb will make me eat" I say
"Ok well lets go to the vehicles" Alan says
"Oh Joey where's my brother" I ask
"He was going to hang out with my brother" he says
"Ok" I say
We get to the vehicles and get into them.
"Caleb I'm riding with Alan" I say
"Ok" he says
I get up front and Alan starts his car. He starts driving.
"Is there anything you really want for Christmas" he asks
"Nope. I got all that I wanted" I say
"What was that" he asks
"To get to meet you guys" I say
"You didn't want anything else" he asks
"Nope" I say
"Ok" he says
"Alan do you think my life will get better" I ask
"Eventually" he says
We get to a diner and Alan parks the car. I get out and run over to Joey's car. I open the passenger door and flick Casey's ear.
"Ow Megan what was that for" she asks
"We're at a diner for lunch" I say
"Ok" she yawns
She gets up still half asleep and stumbles.
"Get on m back but no sleeping" I say
She hops on and we go over to Chad's car. I open the passenger door and pinch Nicole's arm.
"Megan go away" she says
"Time for lunch. Get out" I say
She gets out and I grab her arm so she doesn't fall over.
"Want some help" Joey asks
"Maybe" I say
He has Nicole hop on his back and we go inside.
"How did you get them both to wake up and they knew it was you" he asks
"Well each one of us has a different way for waking each other up." I say
We get to the table and the girls hop off they sit down then Joey and I sit down. We order out drinks then our food. Once our food gets here Alan prays then we eat.
"Ok so I think we're going Christmas shopping tomorrow since Christmas is only three days away" Chad says
"Ok" we all say
I eat half of my food and put my fork down. Chad looks at me and I shake my head. He nods his head and I shake it again. He gives me pleading eyes but I still shake my head no. He stands up and I follow him.
"Megan you need to eat your food" he says
"Chad can I please not. If I eat all of this I'm not going to want to eat dinner" I say
"Fine" he sighs
I give him a hug and we return to the table. He whispers something to Caleb and he nods. Everyone finishes eating and we all go our separate ways. We get it Caleb's and go inside.
"Hey Caleb and Megan" Kelsey says
"Hi Kels" I say
"Hey baby" he says
We go to the living room and sit down. Caleb puts a movie in without telling me what it is.
"Caleb just tell me what it is" I beg
"Fine it's Elf" he says
"What's that" I ask
"You've never seen elf" he asks
"Maybe once or twice but I don't remember" I say
"Ok" he says
At the end of the movie I'm just staring at the black screen.
"Megan are you ok" Caleb asks
"Yeah" I say
"Dinner" Kelsey calls out
We get up and walk to the dining room. We sit down. Caleb prays and we start eating. I have a small plateful and eat it all or Caleb would yell at me.
"May I be excused? I need to call m brother about something" I say
"Go ahead" Caleb says
I get up and put my plate in the sink. I grab my sweatshirt and go outside. I call my brother and wait for him to pick up.
L-hey sis
M-Luke I watched Elf
L-you aren't suppose to
M-I know I realized that once the movie was over what should I do
L-tell someone about your early childhood then watch another movie before bed so it drowns out the memories about elf
M-ok thanks love you
L-love you to
I hang up and go inside.
"Where did Kelsey go" I ask
"Up to bed she was tired" Caleb says
"Ok can talk to you about something" I ask
"Of course" he says
"Ok so I want to explain my childhood a bit" I say
"I'll listen. Just say what ever you need" he says
"Ok so when I was born my mom had three other little children running around the house and my dad was never around really to help her take care of them. So she put me up for adoption. A year later her and my dad got divorced. She then married someone else and he was around more often. A few years went by and she realized she could take custody of me again. She was going to adopt me the same time someone else was. She found interest in this guy so dumped the other guy and married this one. They agreed on adopting me together. My brother Nick was born a couple years later and my mom didn't think she could raise all of us so put me into an adoption center again. She then realized that I could watch Nick so readopted me. Her and the other guy got a divorce but he wanted custody if me. We went to court and they found out he was doing drugs so my mom got custody of me. She married again and had my brother Owen. She was going to put me into another adoption center but then it hit her that no one could watch the little ones if she was at work" I say
"Wow so how many adoption homes have you been to" he asks
"Um three or four" I say
"Ok" he says
"You can't tell anyone about it. Even Casey and Nicole don't know" I say
"Wait but you said you guys have been friends since Kindergarten" he says
"Yeah they never knew I was at adoption homes. They jut thought I was staying with relatives" I say
"Oh. Ok why don't we head to bed. We have a busy day of shopping in front of us" he says
"Ugh" I groan
"What you don't like Christmas shopping" he says
"Well you see my mom never really let us celebrate Christmas so we never go to go Christmas shopping." I say
"Well then you'll definitely have to see how it's done" he says
"Is it a lot of walking" I ask
"Yeah" he says, "more than today"
"Ok well I'm going upstairs" I say
"Ok goodnight" he says
I go upstairs and my phone rings.
Mo-do you know where Luke is the college said there was no early admission when I called and he hasn't been answering his phone
M-you know what mom I've been having the best day ever for a while so even of I did know where Luke is I wouldn't tell you because I don't need you ruining my fun
I hang up and craw in bed. I grab my earbuds and laptop and go on Netflix. I watch a movie then drift off to sleep thinking about how great this day was.
*Nicole POV*
I wake up and go downstairs. I see Chad walking to the kitchen so I go and jump on his back.
"Nicole" he whines
"What" I ask
"Get off" he says
"No your my train to get food" I say
He goes to the kitchen and I hop off.
"What do you want to eat" he asks
"Food" I say
"What type of food" he asks
"Um what food do you have in this house of yours" I ask
"Look in the fridge and the pantry" he says
I go to the pantry and find cereal. I grab milk and place it on the table.
"Do you want a bowl and a spoon" Chad asks
"Nah I prefer a plate and a fork" I say
"Alright suit it yourself" he says
He grabs a plate and fork and puts it in front of me. Then he grabs a bowl and spoon and puts his eggs in that. I grab the bowl from his hand and dump the eggs on the plate. I hand him the plate and the fork and he sits down. I put my cereal and milk in the bowl and start eating.
"You ruined my eggs" Chad says
"How" I ask
"They're cold because you had to use the bowl" he says
I grab an egg out of the bowl and eat it.
"It's not cold" I say
We finish eating and go to the living room there's a knock on the door and Joey and Luke walk through.
"Luke" I say
I get up and go over to him.
"Hey Nicky" he says
"Hey Lukey" I say
"Where's everyone else" Joey asks
"I don't know we just woke up and had breakfast" Chad says
"I can tell go get dressed Nicole the others will be here soon" Joey says
"But my PJ's are comfy" I say
The door opens and everyone else barges in.
"Why are you girls in your PJ's" Luke asks
"They said their PJ's were comfy" Caleb says
"See Joey I don't have to get dressed" I say
"Why is Chad grumpy" Megan asks
"Because apparently I made his eggs cold and stole his bowl because he gave me a plate for my cereal" I say
"Chad it's impossible to have milk and cereal on a plate" Alan says
"Actually it's not. We didn't have enough bowls so us four older kids in my family had I use plates" Luke says
"It's pretty hard though" Megan says
"Ok enough chit chatting lets go shopping" Joey says
"Wow Joe I never knew you liked shopping" Chad says
"I like Christmas shopping and food shopping" Joe says
"Lets just go. Kelsey wants to go out for lunch so we have to start. Joe do you mind if Megan hangs with you and Luke for the day " Caleb says
"Not at all" Joey says
"Alright we're taking Caleb's car and my van" Alan says
"I'm going with Caleb" Casey says
"I'll go in Alan's van" I say
"I'm going with Alan" Joey says
"I'm going with Alan so I can destroy Joey" Chad says
"I'm going with Caleb and Casey" Luke says
"It's all up to Megan now. Who do you choose to go with sis" Luke asks
"Well definitely not you so that means Alan" Megan says
"Oh really" Luke says
*Luke POV*
I walk over to my sister and grab her. I start spinning around and she squeals.
"Luke out me down" she laughs
"Nah I don't want to" I say
"Come on you two. You're just as bad as Joey and his brother or Joey and Chad" Caleb says
"No I think we're worse" Chad says
"All right lets just go everyone in the vehicles" Joey says
We all get in the vehicles.
"Wow everyone's listens to Joey but not Alan" Caleb says
"That because its very rare when Joey acts mature" Casey says
"Caleb are you guys sure its not a problem that I'm spending Christmas with you all" I ask
"Of course. No one should have to spend Christmas alone" he says
"Luke" Casey says
"Yes" I ask
"I know what you should get Casey" she says
"And what would that be" I ask
"Do you have any pictures of you four older kids together" she asks
"Yeah" I say
"Buy a locket and put that photo in the locket" she says
"Ok I'll think about it" I say
We get to the mall and get out of the vehicle. We meet up with the others and go inside.
"Ok there's eight of us so partner up" Alan says
"Caleb" Casey says
"Alan" Nicole says
"Joe bro me and you" I ask
"Sure why not" he says
"I guess you're stuck with me" Chad says to my sister
"Ok" she says
*Chad POV*
"Alright meet at the food court around 1 for lunch" Caleb says
Everyone walks off and we just stand there.
"What store first" I ask
"Well I didn't bring a lot of money so" she says
"It's fine I can help you pay for some" I say
"No Chad you don't need to do that" she says
"Megan when will you understand that when I do all this stuff for you it's because I want to." I say
"But" she starts
"No buts now lets go we'll start in the toy store for Alan's girls" I say
I start walking but see she won't budge. I crouch down and she hops on my back. I head off to the toy store. After the toy store we go to a Disney store.
"Ok I can pretty much get everyone's gift here" she says
She hops of my back and looks around. She finds stuff and pays for it. She comes back with her bags.
"Ok who do you still need to shop for" I ask
"Well Luke, you, and Joey" she says
"Ok. What store" I ask
"Um iTunes or five below" she says
We go to five below and she does her shopping. She comes out and we go down to the food court. After a little bit everyone is back. We get food then sit down Alan prays and we eat. After we're done eating we start discussing.
"Ok is anyone done shopping" Alan asks
Megan and I are the only ones who raise our hands.
"Ok well then do you two mind staying with everyone's bags and Casey you can choose a group to pair up with since Caleb left" Alan says
They leave their bags and leave. Megan lays down on the seat with her head in my lap.
"Go ahead and sleep everyone will be at least an hour till they return" I say
She shuts her eyes and as soon as I know she's fully asleep I grab her phone. I slide it and luckily it's unlocked. I go to the phone app and call her mom. I pick her head up and lay it on my sweatshirt. I walk away a little bit so I don't wake her.
W-what do you want Megan
C-this isn't Megan. It's Chad Graham from Anthem lights
W-oh hi how can I help you
C-I wanted to call and see if you would give me permission to homeschool your daughter
W-I don't care.
C-ok thank you. Have a great day and Merry Christmas
I hang up and walk back over. I put her phone back and pull mine out. I open up my group text with the guys.
Ch-hey we need to talk about something later on. Do you think we could get Luke to take the girls to dinner or something
J-ok I can ask him
J-he said he would do it
I put my phone away. A few minutes later everyone returns. I shake Megan lightly and she won't wake up.
"Luke help" I say
He picks her up and puts her on my back.
"All right Luke I'm going to let you take my van later on. Lets all meet at Joey's in about 4 hours" Alan says
We all go outside and to the van. Luke takes Megan off my back and puts her upfront. He buckles her in and we all get in the back.
"Ok we'll drop Joey, Megan, and Luke off first then Chad and Nicole" Alan says
*Luke POV*
We get to Joeys and get out. I unbuckle Megan and pick her up. I follow Joey and he holds the door open for me.
"I going to take her up to the room I'm staying in" I say
"Ok" he says
I go upstairs and lay her in bed. I go back downstairs and join Joey on the couch. A few minutes later Donald walks in and sits down next to me.
"Hey you ok" he asks
"Yeah I just have this feeling as if something bad is going to happen" I say
"Prayer is the best you could do" Joey says
An hour or two later Megan comes downstairs. She sits on my lap.
"Excuse me" I say
"Your excused" she says
"Why you on my lap" I ask
"The correct way to say that sentence is why are you" she says
"Ok ok why are you on my lap" I ask
"Because I don't want to sit on the floor" she says
"Why don't you sit on someone else's lap" I ask
"Because you're my brother" she says
"Yeah and I can also do this" I say
I push her off my lap and she sits on the floor with her arms crossed.
"Wait Luke this is your younger sister" Donald asks
"Yes my younger and only sister" I say
"He has 2 older brothers and 2 younger brothers" Joey says
"Wow the only girl in a house of five boys. That must be hard" Donald says
"Eh" Megan says
We hear the door open and Caleb walks in. We look over then turn our attention back to the tv.
"Hello to you guys too" he says
"Oh hey Caleb didn't see you there. How you doin" Megan says
"Oh Megan didn't you never not realize how stupid it is to mess with Cabey when it come to pearfect grimmer" Joey says
"Aww brufer I want to be involve in did fun geme" I say
"Hold de fone why I not in dis" Donald asks
"Why is Caleb's face as red as Mario's outfit" Alan asks
"We might've made him angery because of our terrible English" Joey says
"Oh get over it Caleb" Chad says
"Alright now that everyone is here you girls are going to hang out with Luke and Donald while us guys go do something" Alan says
"Alright" the girls say
The guys leave and the girls take over the tv.
"Woah hold it why don't we go get dinner first" Donald says
"Ok girls what do you want for dinner" I ask
"Burger king" Casey and Nicole say
"Sis" I ask
"Nothing" she says
"Ok" I say
"Well lets go" Donald says
Megan turns the tv off and we all get in Alan's van. I get in the drivers seat and Megan gets shot gun.
"Why do to get to drive" Donald asks
"Because Alan gave me the keys and put me in charge of the girls" I say
"We don't need anyone to watch us" Casey says
"Too bad" I say
I start the car and drive off to Burger King.
*Chad POV*
We get to the studio after a quick stop through Wendy's drive through. We eat our food then start talking.
"So after you all walked off and Megan fell asleep I grabbed her phone and called her mom n her mom said that she didn't care if I homeschooled Megan so I was wondering if you three would help" I say
"Ok" they agree
"When we got back to m house and after Luke took Megan upstairs he said he had a feeling as if something bad was going to happen" Joey says
"Do you think it would have to do with their two older brothers who are in the army" Alan asks
"Hopefully not. She's already been through so much" Caleb says
"All we can do is pray" I say
"Guys did you realize that this is the second day that Megan went the whole day without being upset" Joey says
"Someone slap him" Caleb says
"Do you still have that dictionary at your desk" I ask
"Chad no" Alan says
"Why not" I whine
"Joe the whole reason we went to the zoo and then Christmas shopping was to get Megan's mind off of what has been happening" Alan says
"Oh" he says
"Yeah" I say
"Ok lets go get the girls" Caleb says
We go outside and get in Joey's car. He drives to his house and we go inside. We get there and Casey and Nicole are asleep on the floor. Donald is asleep on the recliner. Megan and Luke are asleep on the couch.
"Huh I guess they're tired from shopping" Caleb says
"Get them out I want to go to bed" Joey whines
"Dude man up" I say
"We're just going to let them sleep here. We'll bring them clothes in the morning" Caleb says
"What no" Joey says
"Later little bro" I say
Alan grabs his keys and we all walk out we he in our vehicles and go our separate ways. I get home and go upstairs. I lay down next Fallon and fall asleep.

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