I hate the Hospital

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Liliana's pov

I blinked a few times as the light blinded me. As my eyes adjusted I realized that I wasn't in the school. A voice said "Liliana?" I stood up and turned around. I gasped and said "daddy?" He smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back and said "I'm sorry for yelling." "You did nothing wrong Anna, don't be sorry." A voice said "what about your favorite uncle?" I rolled my eyes and said "you mean uncle Hunter?" Dad chuckled and let me out of the hug. Uncle Conner said "and I thought I was loved." I smiled and said "close second." I ran up to my favorite uncle and hugged him. He said "missed you kid." "Missed you too uncle Conner." I let go of my uncle and went to aunt marry-Anna she smiled and said "soooo Oliver is your new boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes and said "is that really important right now?" "Of course. Your the youngest of the three and you have a boyfriend before Annabella and a-"grandma said "Marry-Anna, that's enough." I smiled and ran into my grandmothers waiting arms. She hugged me and said "your so beautiful." I smiled and looked down blushing slightly because of all the attention. Grandpa said "my turn!" I giggled and said "grandpa!" Grandpa laughed and hugged me. He then said "how are Sirius and Remus?" I smiled and said "they're good." Then I got dizzy. Dad hugged me and said "you've got to go back now..." I smiled and said "I love you-" and then I woke up. I blinked a few times when a voice said "Anna?" I smiled slightly and said "hi." Strong arms rapped around me pulling me into a hug. I smiled and said "Oliver, I'm fine." Oliver said "I was so scared I lost you. I just got you I can't lose you again." I heard a voice say "let go of my niece will ya." I rolled my eyes and said "but uncle Austin-" then a voice yelled "where is she! Where's my best friend!? Anna! I'm coming!" I rolled my eyes and said "he's an idiot." Cedric ran over and Oliver let go as I was attacked by Cedric. Then two identical voices yelled "Annna!!! Annnnnna! We're coming!!!! Youuu can'tttt die on us!!!! We promised Wooooodddd weeee would protect youuu!" I said "George, Fred stop being so dramatic. I'm fine." Oliver said "I meant protect her when I'm not around-" I rolled my eyes. Cedric said "don't worry Oliver she's got me." Oliver frowned and said "that makes some feel so much better." I rolled my eyes and said "he doesn't know yet Ced." Fred said "but we do." George said "why didn't you tell the little boyyyfriend." I rolled my eyes and said "out." Fred said "but annnna." I rolled my eyes Bree said "boys." Fred and George said "fine future sister-in-law" Oliver said "wait what don't I know?" Bree said "that Cedric is really our (points to all the siblings) brother and Anna's uncle." Oliver looked shocked and said "wow." I said "there's more." Oliver looked at me and said "like?" Austin said "Harry, Hermione, and Lindy are our siblings as well." Oliver said "that's a lot..." hunter said "get used to it." Annabella ran in and said "you!" While pointing at me... I rolled my eyes and said "hum?" She glared and said "we have exactly 7 hours to get ready before the dance." I nodded. Harmony ran in and said "are you okay?" I nodded. Hunter said "did you run here or something?" She glared at him and said "I've got to boys who will be asking where I was."


Liliana's pov

1 hour later

After I was released my family all left me alone with Oliver. I went to stand up but he said "you scared me." I sighed and said "I'm sorry." He looked at me and said "you don't get how much I love you do you? Your my world Anna." I smiled and whispered "i love you Oliver," he sat on the bed next to me and said "is this how you felt when ever you came to visit me in the hospitals?" "H-how do you know about that?" He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Fred and George told me." "Of course they did..." "I'm sorry I hurt you." "It's in the past. All that matters now is that we're together." He kissed me. After we pulled away I said "help me up?" He chuckled and got up and then came over to my side and helped me stand. Dizziness hit and I was about to fall when Oliver held me up and said "easy there." He helped me sit back down and said "I'm going to go get madam-" "I'm fine it just took me by surprise is all..." he shook his head and said "your not fine-" "yes I am." "No. your not you almost fell standing up." "Why is it your problem?" He looked shocked then mad "it's my problem because I love you. Why are you being so difficult about this?" "Why do you care?" "You know what I'm going to get madame Rosmerta." I stayed quite and looked at the floor. I heard the door open and close and a few minutes later open and close again this time with the healer in sight. She came over to me and looked me over and said "try standing up. Mr. Wood, please help her." Oliver helped me stand and dizziness came once again. I was about to fall when he rapped his arms around my waist. Madame Rosmerta said "your not going to that dance tonight and your staying here for a few more days." I sighed and Oliver said "thank you." She nodded and left. He helped me sit back down. I said "thanks." He nodded. I sighed and said "I hate it here. I've never liked hospitals." Oliver said "I've noticed." "Why are you here?" "What do you mean?" "I mean why are you really here? Why did you come back?" He shrugged. "Fine. You don't have to tell me." He looked at me and said "Anna, I don'-" "maybe you should go." "You don't mean that Anna,-" "just go." "Liliana, please-" "Oliver, please just leave." "Ok." He walked over to me and kissed my head and said "I love you Anna." I scoffed and said "yeah ok." He looked hurt and said "I do love you Liliana." I sighed and said "I love you too." "I'll stop by later. Give you some time to think." And he left.

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