The dinner

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Brieanna's POV

Once we were in the hallway I said "so Cedric, do you have any other siblings?" Tyler pinched my arm and sent me a look. Cedric said "not that I know...  my sister and I were adopted when we were young..." Austin said "and you haven't tried to find your family?" Cedric said "no I've tried... Lindy always asks questions so I started looking in to it..." Tyler said "did you find anything?" Aye said "sorry for intruding on your life it's just you remind us of our younger brother." Cedric smiled and said "it's fine really. I did find a few things..." lilac said "do you care to explain?" Cedric said "apparently I have or should say had 15 siblings but you already knew that." I looked at my siblings and said "sorry but what do you mea-" Cedric said "I know who you are. Your the potters, I also know that I'm your brother... your also missing three more siblings Harry, Hermione, and Lindy that's why you were so interested in my life wasn't it?" I started to say "n-" but Austin said "yes Cedric." I gasped and was about to say something when a voice yelled "Cedric!" Everyone stopped walking. A small girl ran up to us with matching hair to Cedric's. Cedric said "hey Lin." I gasped and 'Lindy' looked to us and smiled and said "who are your friends Ced?" I smiled and said "Brieanna." "Austin." "Lilac."

(Skipping introducing way to many names.)

Lindy said "its nice to meet everyone I'm Lindy, anyway Cedric the Cho girl was looking for you... she's a little on the bonker side if you ask me... honestly you could do much better.... as long as it's not Ginny.... I'm routing for Harry and Ginny to be together!" Then she ran off Cedric said "not fair Lindy!" She turned around and stuck her tongue out. I laughed and Austin said "she's definitely a potter." Cedric smiled and said "she's a pain is what she is." Hunter said "ohh you mean like Bree." I hit his head and said "don't test me." Aye said "are you treated all right? With your adopted family that is?" He smiled and said "wonderfully. We have amazing parents... well adoptive parents I should say Erika couldn't have children so she went depressed then Dumbledore dropped us off on the door step with a note and we've been perfectly fine since." Austin said "we're so glad that you had a good life so far." Austin put his hand on Cedric's shoulder and said "we'll be here for you as a family if you want us to be that-" aye said "you have two families Cedric. You, harmony and Lindy do we would never take you away from that we just want you to know that we're here for you." Cedric said "thank you." I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder and said "you may not remember us but we remember you Ced." He smiled and said "I remember a few things... not a lot." He stayed quiet after that.


At dinner

Bree's POV

Dumbledore gave his speech and then it was time to announce the people who will be completing for the schools... I zoned out until he said "and for Hogwarts champion it is.... Cedric Diggery." I gasped and held Austin and hunter's hands. Tyler reached around hunter and his wife and rubbed my arm a little and said "hey Bree, breath." I nodded and said "I've got a bad feeling about this....about all of this...." then the cup lit up a bright red. Everyone in the room went quiet as a peace of paper flew out of the goblet. Dumbledore said "Harry Potter...." Everyone broke out into whispers I looked around for Harry. Dumbledore yelled "HARRY POTTTR!!!" Harry got up. Well more of was pushed up bye Harmony and went into the other room. Dumbledore dismissed everyone but us and had us fallow him.


In the room with the 'champions'

Bree's POV

We walked into the room and dumbledore was pretty much choking out Harry. After a few minutes of arguing I said "sir. Harry isn't of age... he couldn't put his name in the goblet even if he wanted to." Everyone in the room looked at me. I said "what? It's common sense. I mean look at the poor boy your scaring him senseless he obviously doesn't want to compete." Aye said "I agree with Brieanna. Albus, Harry has been through more then the three of these children have in his short life I think it's time to give him a break. He's not your next puppet." I was speechless along with everyone in the room. Lilac said "and honestly what do you think our.... 'cough' sorry Harry's parents would think of this?" Austin said "Lilly and James wouldn't have wanted this one bit. Have you talked to Remus about this? The boy dose have his rights including his garden knowing of the events... his magical garden that is... or any remaining family he has." The minister said "Austin, my friend are you telling me that you don't believe he put his name in?" Austin said "that is exactly what I'm saying minister, and as Vis. Minister I would like to help figure a way to stop this boy from competing." The minister said "the goblet has chosen there is nothing we can do about it Vis. Minister." Dumbledore said "that's final... Harry, your competing... you all may leave."


Bree's POV

As we were walking through the hallway's a voice said "excuse me." We all stopped walking and turned around. There stood Harry. Harry said "h-how do you know so m-much a-about-" I said "your parents?" He nodded Austin said "we knew them a long time ago... you'll understand one day..." I said "Austin, please?" He shook his head no... Harry said "p-please...." he was so out of sorts... aye said "when the time is right you'll find us." And we all left...


In the room

Bree's POV

I sighed and said "why couldn't we tell him?" Tyler said "it's dangerous for him to know" I shook my head and said "how so? Explain to me how because I've had to live with memories and it's still painful... but can you imagine not remembering anything-" I was cut off bye a voice saying "I can imagine it..." everyone turned around to see Cedric and Lindy standing there... aye said "y-you know who we are?" Lindy nodded and said "if dumbo over here could ever keep a secret from me it would be a life or death matter." Cedric said "I can keep secrets from you." Lindy said "yeah okay." With a role of her eyes. I said "would you like to talk with us about it?" She laughed and said "about what it's like to not remember?" I nodded and said "is it hard for you?" Aye said "first sit down..." Lindy sat right next to Aye I smiled at my little sister. Lindy said "like I said I don't remember... so I don't know what I'm missing.... I just feel like there's a whole... something's not there.... being around Cedric, Harry and Hermione always seemed to help I just didn't know why... until now that is... I guess it's easier for me because I don't remember them... you guys have it harder because you do remember.... I'm constantly trying to look for something in myself to have any sort of connection to them... don't get me wrong I love my adoptive parents it's just-" aye said "not the same?" Lindy nodded. Aye hugged her close to her self and said "you know you've got Dad's eyes, mum's nose and apparently dads personality as well..." Austin said "not only do you have something from both mum and dad but you've got your adoptive parents as well..." Lindy smiled and said "I'm happy you're here." Lindy snuggled into Aye's lap more then she already was and soon drifted off to sleep. Cedric said "I'll get her to bed."

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