Sister, oh sister

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Brieanna's pov

Standing there was Harmony. Cedric said "Hermione?" She rolled her eyes and said "honestly did all of you actually think I wouldn't ketch on?" Marry-Anna said "I knew you would!" I shrugged and said "I was just waiting." Hunter said "how did you find out?" Harmony rolled her eyes and said "you guys weren't very secretive about it... and Harry was confused so when he was telling me about everything that happened a few weeks ago I put it all together..." mum smiled at her. Harmony said "I would be more scared of Lindy then Malfoy." Conrad walked in and said "that's because you broke little Malfoy's noes." Harmony rolled her eyes and said "and you find these things out how?" Conrad rolled his eyes and said "I was right behind you guys when you punched him. Lindy was a little scared but that's just cause she likes him-" everyone jumped up at that. Cedric said "she likes Malfoy?" Hunter said "she's not dating that guy!" I laughed and said "please. You guys have no say in who she dates." Austin said "Bree has a point." I rolled my eyes and said "and from what I can tell Draco likes her." Cedric groaned and said "stop talking about this... please." Alex walked in and said "she just disappeared-" we all looked at each other. Austin said "what do you mean she just disappeared?" Alex said "well you see.... She was there one minute and then puff she's gone!" Liliana sighed and said "she's in the room of requirements." Everyone looked at her making her blush and hide behind her hair a little. She walked over to me and said "hide me aunt Brieanna." Alex said "good hiding spot." With a role of his eyes. Liliana glared at him. Alex said "don't be mad Anna, I was just joking." Alex, Liliana, Conrad, and Annabella are really close so when ones mad or sad the other three get upset, sad or try and hurt who ever made their cousin upset. Annabella said "nice going Alex." Alex said "don't start Bella." Conrad rolled his eyes and said "here we go." Liliana said "can you not argue." They ignored her. Liliana sighed and stood up. She walked over to both of them and grabbed their ears "stop it." They both stopped.  I said "now don't you guys think we should go find Lindy?" Everyone looked at me. I said "fine I'll go look for our baby sister by my self then." Connor said "freeze." I huffed and sat down. Dad said "he was talking to the four little ones." I said "then why did I sit down?" Connor said "aren't you four supposed to be in your dorms?" Liliana nodded. Harmony said "we should be getting back to bed." Annabella said "you just know that as soon as we walk into the dorm Harry and Ron will be waiting for you." Cedric said "I'll take Liliana back to our house." Liliana smiled and said "I don't have to walk back alone." In a small voice that you could tell she was happy. Cedric smiled at her and said "let's go." They both said bye to everyone and waved.

Liliana's pov

I frowned a little and Cedric noticed. He said "what's wrong?" "I'm confused." "About?" "Your my uncle Ced, what I'm I supposed to call you?" He chuckled at me and said "Anna, we've been friends since you got here I might be your uncle but I'm also your friend." "Sooo what do you want me to call you?" "Cedric, Ced, Ric, everything you've called me before." "Really?" He chuckled and said "Anna, I'm only  two years older then you. Lindy is younger then you would you call her aunt? How about Hermione or Harry? They are all younger then you, Annabella, and Alex." I shrugged and said "I guess it's just weird... I mean I always knew you were my uncle but you didn't know so I never really thought about it until recently." Cedric said "how about this... you go back to thinking of me as your annoying best friend that you think of as a big brother. I'll continue to think of you as my sister." I smiled and said "so nothing really has to change?" Cedric shook his head and said "nothing. We've been best friends since your first year." I smiled and said "you were so much fun back then." Cedric gasped and put a hand over his heart in fake mockery and said "so mean to me." I laughed and said "I've missed this Ced." "What do you mean?" "Since school started back up you've been weird... even this summer you were acting off... is everything ok?" "I'm scared..." I gave him a confused look and said "about?" "This tournament... how my adoptive parents will feel when they find out we found our biological family..." "they'll love you just the same. You and Mr. Diggery are so close Cedric..." "I know that's what scares me that I'll disappoint him... and my biological parents... and my siblings... and...." "cho?" He shrugged. I put a hand on his shoulder and said "don't worry about us ced, we're your family we all love you. Your adoptive family loves you just as much so don't worry about them... and Cho cares about you... I can see it in her eyes." Cedric said "thanks Anna." I nodded. Cedric said "so you and Oliver still not talking?" I sighed and said "he says I'm to young to be his girlfriend... but he also said that he fancies me and just wants me to be happy..." "I'm sorry Anna," I shrugged "nothing we can do about it. I mean he graduated last year I'm sure he has a lot going on especially with being on a professional Quidditch team..." Cedric sighed and said "still Brieanna graduated three years ago-" "can we please just stop talking about this Cedric..." "ok." By the time we finished our conversation we reached the dorms.

Lindy's pov

I was sitting all alone in the room of requirements reading when a voice said "mind if I join you?" "Why not." I felt a hand grabbed mine. I looked up and met his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at me and said "can we talk about something?" I noticed he looked scared. I smiled at him and said "anything." "I know your in Gryffindor and we are supposed to hate each other... but I can't hate you." "You will when you find out my secret..." "I don't care about a stupid." "What if I'm a muggle born?" He looked shocked and said "but your not." "You wouldn't like me if I was though. You wouldn't like me if I was a half blood, or a muggle. The only reason you take any interest in me is because I'm a per-blood. I know your opinions on my friends Draco, you've called Hermione a mud-blood that's such an terrible thing to call someone..." "Lindy, please I fancy you." "And I you but..." "but?" "Right now isn't the time for us to be together... I'm sorry Draco and I hope we can be friends..." he looked sad and said " please-" I grabbed his hand and said "I'm sorry." I had tears in my eyes. A tear fell to my cheek Draco put his hand on my cheek and said "I'll wait until your ready..." more tears came down my cheek I said "I'm sorry Draco, I really am." "I know... I hope you can forgive me one day..." he kissed my forehead and walked out. The door opened again to reveal my siblings all except Cedric and my niece Liliana who I expect didn't want to be walking alone to the hufflepuff dorms... aye saw that I was crying and said "what's wrong?" I shook my head and ran into my older sisters arms. She hugged me and said "Lindy, what happened?" "He told me that he fancies me..." Austin said "who?" Bree said "and?" I sniffed and said "I told him I wanted to wait... he agreed but it still hurts..."

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