"You can do it!" Minako cheered.

"Yūri-kun!" Minami cheered back at Hasetsu where everyone who didn't go was watching. The triplets were falling asleep already.

"One year after he finished the Final in last place, Katsuki Yūri is about to start his short program."  Viktor held Y/n's hand as he kissed the ring. Y/n felt her heart beating erratically; she ran her thumb over the jewels of her ring. Yūri kissed his exhaling trying to calm is nerves. The music started to the song.

"He is skating to "On Love: Eros." Yūri looked over to his coach and manager before starting the step sequence. Viktor pressed his hand to his chin like he always does when he thinks. Y/n noticed but didn't say anything. "So, Oda-san, he's supposedly changed his jump combination in this program."

"Yes, after the Rostelecom Cup, it was changed for higher marks."

Compared to when he skated to the song, it is evident that Yūri had greatly improved. He seemed more confident in his steps and flowed better to the rhythm of the music.

'Even if I top my personal best again, I can't beat JJ. His program has 5.22 points on mine in the jumps' base value alone. If I don't change my program...'


"You want to change the jump to a quad flip in your short program?" Viktor asked while they were practicing. "You've barley even landed that jump cleanly in practice."

Yūri nodded. "Yeah. But I still have time to improve the execution. Finding out how far I can push my limits to win will motivate me to fight through the Final! Don't you want to see it, Viktor? To see me land a quadruple flip with a +3 GOE?"

He had said it with such confidence and determination that Viktor didn't know what to say at first. His eyes then sparkled with enthusaism and he hugged Yūri. "I do!" Yūri smiled.


They heard something clatter against the ice. Anime tears streamed down Y/n's face. "My phone!" Her phone slipped out her hand as she was trying to take a picture of the two and landed screen down on the ice.  "God damn it."

The two chuckled. Yūri skated over and picked it up. Luckily, it didn't crack. "Y/n, you want to see me land a quadruple flip, right?" Yūri asked as he handed her her phone.

"Is that a trick question?" Y/n smiled widley. "More than anything in the world!"

Flashback end

'Since then, I've forcused practice time on the quadruple flip, but my success rate is still low. I've decided to go for it, though.' Yūri rose from the sit spin, the audience applauding.

"Yūri's confidence has increased tremendously," Y/n thought. "He no longer seems hesitant to try new things. But Viktor's expression is scaring me...what is he thinking about?" Yūri's first jump went flawlessly.

"A triple axel." Together, Viktor and Y/n cheered. Their hearts still felt like they were going to explode.

"That jump has a difficult entry, so it will get higher marks."

"Next is a quadruple jump combination." Viktor's eyes narrowed in anticipation. "Quadruple salchow, triple toe loop." The audience yelled and cheered.

"Another success!"


"Excitement courses through the body, down to the toes, and is released!" Viktor thought.

"Now, the highly anticipated quadruple flip." Y/n had complete faith that Yūri could do it, but that didn't stop the sickening feeling in her stomach. Yūri drug his knee across the ice, from then it would lead into the jump.

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