Chapter 14 Hidden Talents

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"Long story short but he dumped me" I shrugged as if it was nothing. It is nothing, right?

"What! I'm going to ki-"

"Niall! It's fine! I'm ok. I promise" I cut him off. I am fine, like what I said before, I think I have feelings for someone else.

"Abby, are you-"

"Yes, yes I am sure, I-I need sometime to think" I then started to go back inside and straight into my room.


I don't get it. I trusted Abby. Why would she cheat on me?


I then started to walk towards the door.

"We're ba- WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed as I saw Abby and Louis kissing. This can't be happening. She can't be cheating on me!

They pulled away as soon as they saw me. I'm so angry, why are the kissing each other!?

"Harry, it's not want you-"

"It's over!" I yelled and went upstairs to my room. I want to punch a wall right now.


I noticed something in the flash back, there was something above them.

A missile toe.

So that's why they kissed each other! But why would she do this to me! Didn't she have in her mind that we were dating! Good thing I dumped her anyway, I think we were going too fast. Well, all I want now is just to apologise to her and say if we could still be friends.

I then got out of my room and went to her door. I hope she's inside, I really need to talk to her.

I knocked on the door, and a few seconds later it was open.

"What do you want now Lou- Oh, hey Harry"

"Uh, hey, um can I talk to you please?" I asked nervously.

"You already are"

"Um, ok, I just want to say I'm really sorry for shouting out you earlier, but can we still be friends?" I asked. Wow, it's getting hot in here.

She slightly smiled.

"I forgive you Harry, and yes, of course we can still be friends"

"That's great, thanks Abby. Ok see ya"

"Bye" I then walked back to my room. Thank God that was easy.


Ok, well that went pretty good. I then lied back on my bed. So boredddddd.

I looked around the room and see a guitar in the corner. Why didn't I see this before? I grabbed it and played around with it. I sort of know how to play it, since I used to have guitar lessons after school, but then I stopped since I had to study for exams.

I tried to remember some songs I used to play. Nope, can't remember anything, but I remember the chords. I then went on Niall's laptop, which I borrowed from him before, so it's still here on my table.

I searched up One Thing guitar chords on Google images.

I then started to play and sing One Thing

I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Something's gotta give now
'Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing

I got Kidnapped by One Direction?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang