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I careened into the lot of Whole Foods Market, and switched off the car when I finally found a parking space near the front of the building. I fumble with my purse as I attempted to stuff my keys into the clumps and tangles of ear buds, phone chargers, gum wrappers, and loads of Chapstick tubes. I honestly don't know why I even tried, but I did... and failed miserably. I gave up and stashed them away in the back pocket of my jeans in frustration. All of this is going on as I am walking towards the door of W.F.M.

After what feels like ages, I finally "stroll" inside, trying my hardest to keep my cool. It took a few moments for my brain to process the situation at hand. 

Okay. I'm in the store...why exactly are we here again?

Oh right! The list!

I cram my hand into the "deep blue sea" again, in search for the folded piece of paper my mom had given me just before I left... at least I think she did.

Omg!  Where the world is that list!?

I sigh and decide that driving all the way back home just to find that it was in my purse all along would kill too many of my brain cells at once, and it really isn't worth it.

Gosh! I'll just have to improvise, I guess.

I nervously approached aisle #5 and grabbed a bag of Pirate's Booty chips. Yes!! My brother, Fritz LOVES those things!

Then I walk into aisle 7. The soup. Hmm. Chicken Noodle Soup cans. My eyes glide further and further to the top of the aisle.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rewind! It's all the way at the tippy top!!

I'm not a midget, but I'm not a giant either. I'm somewhere around five foot, five inches. I sigh once again and bounce lightly up and down to gain balance.

Then the real jumping begins. I jump high and sometimes low, all around. Man, I'm really stumbling. The soup can doesn't even brush my fingertips! A masculine voice startles me from behind.

 "Um...do you... need help?"

 I stop jumping, landing on my tip toes. Strands of my long, brunette hair settles and falls askew into my face. My cheeks were probably between light pink and scarlet, but most likely the latter. I still held my arm up, as if reaching for the can. It made me feel dumb, so i let it drop to my side. My eyes fell upon the owner of the unknown voice. He was pretty tall, so he probably had about a foot and a half on me.  He, too, had brunette hair, and it was in fat soft-looking curls.

O gosh. I was literally breathless. I think I blushed. I was going to say something like "Pssh!! I can manage. Get lost, Jerk." Because that's what I normally say to random guys that try to talk to me. But this fellow...

He had potential. So I decided to give him a chance.

 "Heh. Yea."

He closed the space between us and lifted his arm to reach the can. The whole time, our eyes locked. His eyes were a deep shade of blue, and somehow seemed to read my thoghts.  He brought the soup can down to me, and i took it, still looking into his eyes. I really hoped he couldn't actually read my mind. That would be a bit embarrassing. 

 "Thanks." I said, breaking the strange, yet beautiful silence between us.

"Any time." He said right back to me as though it was nothing. "So, why do you need soup? Someone sick at home or something?" He asked with such casualty.

I replied, "No. I'm kinda just going off the list in my head. You see, I've lost the one my mom gave me."

"Ah." He says with a remarkably adorable smirk on his face. Playful. He looks around but looks back at me after a few moments. 

"You?" I say to keep the convorsation going.

"Yea. Mom. She has a cold, so I'm getting her favourite soup here. She loves Whole Foods."

"awe. I hope she gets well soon."

"Hey, thanks. I'll  tell her you said that. She'll be happy that I finally met a pretty girl, and actually spoke to her." 

I giggled.

"Okay."  Wait...did he just call me pretty?

"Speaking of meeting, what's your name?" He asked.

"Oh, sorry. It's Kai. Kai Wilder." I said, my face seeming to flush even darker.

"Heh. Well, I'm Ransom."

"Hi...Ransom." I said, lifting a shoulder to my pink cheek and looking up at him. Oh, gosh I hope I'm not flirting with this guy. 

"Nice to meet you. 

This Time It's My Turn •remodeled edition•Where stories live. Discover now