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Where could mom and Fritz have gone? We're they abducted, kidnapped,.....m-m-murd--

I'm not even gonna go there. My mind is just playing way too many tricks on me. Ransom was breathing heavily beside me and I could almost feel the heat radiating off of his body. It was then that I realized that we had gone from Sprint to jog and hadn't taken a slight break. I slowed to a stop. Ransom carried on a few steps before realizing that I had stopped. Placing his hands on his knees in exhaustion, Ransom looked up at me. " Why'd you stop?"

"Sorry. I totally spaced. Sorry, but your stamina sucks hehe." I flushed at how bold that was. " I was just thinking...my mom always answers her phone when she's anywhere because she gets worried about whether there's an emergency involving me or Fritz. I just don't get why she didn't pick up twice after she had called not even two and a half minutes before. I mean...where do our possibilities lie?"

Ransom had finally caught his breath and looked down on me once again.

"Well," he said, still sounding kinda winded. "Looks like we have a kidnapping, a murder, or a couple of dauntless runaways dare I suggest it." My legs trembled for a good 15 seconds as I recollect my sanity. My number one questions are, why in the hell would someone kidnap mom and Fritz for and what is their motive? Also, why in the hell would they run away?? Am I really that disappointing? I mean Fritz couldn't have thought me THAT much of a penis-head could he?  I put a sweaty palm to my face and exhaled heavily. What'll I do. "Well the most reasonable reason why they're gone is that they've been taken." I said in despair. Ransom's expression became less firm at the sound of my voice. Tears started to well in my eyes. 

"I promise I'll help you find your family. Just so long as you do one thing in return." My eyebrows met in confusion. What could Ransom mean by that?.

"Mhmm" I said, eyeing him suspiciously. "What is it i have to do in return, Mystery Man." Ransom rolled his eyes and glanced at the road ahead.

"Well, I can't tell you that until we ffind what we're looking for." He again took off. Having caught his breath, he was good as new.

"Do you know something?" I asked glancing up at him.

"I guess I you could say I have a hunch, but if I'm right...your family is in some real deep shit." That's all Ransom had to say for the rest of the run to wherever the heck we were going. As we slowed to a light jog, I took in my surroundings. I was officially in a part of town entirely unfamiliar to me. Was I even in the same metroplex? The buildings were pretty crummy and showed signs of age as well as slim to no maintenance. But the one thing this area lacked were signs of humans. It seemed completely and utterly deserted. How had Ransom  even known about this place? Where was I? Was this some kind of paper town that hadn't actually existed on a map or on Google earth? I looked at Ransom. He seemed to know exactly where we were going. Which was the case for the whole time we ran. Should I be more concerned?

"What is this place?" I finally asked after swallowing a small gasp of fear and nausea. 

"Its like a...territory...I guess" What? Since when were towns called territories.

"Well, its a pretty shitty territory, if I do say so myself. Whoever lives here (if anyone at all) should REALLY invest in at least some Febreeze. It smells like a domestic cat was frozen, thawed out, and disected along with the rest of his furry cat buddies." Ransom slowly turned his head, a wild expression across his face. After a moment of silence I shrugged and said "Don't ask." He seemed completely weirded out. Had he not even been in a physics classroom??

We continued towards an abandoned business building that read 'Motoconnect'. I cautiously trailed behind Ransom and felt a bit safer blocked by his wide shoulders, muscular build. I closed my eyes for a moment bracing myself for what was to come next. As I re opened them, I saw Ransom's shoulder blade muscle twitch and he let out a low growl almost inaudible. His forearms flexed and he came to a sudden halt. My body smacked clumsily right into his and I let out an anguish cry. Ransom turned and scolded me. I pouted like a child.

"Shut UP!" He whisper-shouted. I whined.

"Well, I could've had SOME warning!" I said a little louder than planned. Ransom growled again and turned to whatever he had stopped oh-so- abruptly for. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my face, glaring at the back of his head of gorgeous brown curls. Ransom put a hand back to signal caution and my body shook with anticipation. All of a sudden, we hear a loud clunk! and I screamed. Ransom whipped his head around and snarled.

"Could you be any more of a sissy?!" I huffed in his face. What'd he expect?? Horror and adventure aren't exactly on my Netflix queue. Ransom quit at patience and just walked through the building. I hurriedly followed. 

"Well well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. Honestly, I really am surprised. How was your vacation? Did you enjoy your tropical getaway, go to Hawaii... or did you drop by the Bahamas?" I spun around to see a figure almost taller than Ransom standing by the doorway, blocking the only escape route I knew of.

"Um...Ransom?" I said in a shaky tone practically peeing my pants. He stepped beside me and growled once again bearng his teeth this time. Growling and snarling seemed to be Ransom's favorite way to communicate.

"I wasn't on vacation, Diesel. I was...taking care of things." Ransom raised his thick eyebrows. 

"Really. While I stayed her watching the kids?" Said Diesel chuckled and stepped closer to us. He was standing in frontof the door, so I couldn't make out any features. "You do know how to walk away from responsibilities, Ransy boy." Ransom's jaw clenched and his nose flared. At this point, I was more confused than scared. I cut into the conversation. 

"Wait...so, you two know each other?" I said eyeing the both of them. Mr. Owner of men's jeans and clothing turned to me and cocked his head to the side. 

"You're in myy house, girl. Why." I stared at him not knowing what to say next and left the question for Ransom to answer. 

"That's none of your business, Diesel. The reason I brought her here is between her and I." Diesel scoffed. 

"Well...come to think of it, I might actually know why she's here." He motioned to me as though I were an irrelevant chair or something. I grimaced. "Its her family isn't it? Yes, there are a lot of family issues regarding mommy and daddy, aren't there?" What the hell was he talking about?

"What the hell are you talking about?" I said, aggressively. He smirked at the sudden change in my demeanor. Ransom cut Diesel off.

"Nothing, Kai." I raised  an eyebrow. Really? What was I being dragged into? "Diesel was just trying to catch you off guard. Which worked well, to be honest." Ransom's gaze shifted to the left. 

"Look, don't bother trying to keep things from me.Ive already guessed why youre here and let's just say I might be able you help you." Diesel said with a smirk on his face. "Oh please, you're the cause of Kai's problems." Ransom snarled. "Kai. How..exotic." 

"Shut up, asshole." I said in his face. Diesel raised a dark, arched eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh, Ransom. She's cute and truculent. You willing to give me a piece?" 

"Diesel, just tell us where the family is and we'll be out of here. 

" I'll think about it. " Diesel said, looking at me with hungry blue eyes.


Hi, guys!! So this story began in 2014 and I had stopped it. I'm hoping to add a lot of interesting things to this book now that I've continued it not too long ago. It's remodeled and renamed. It even has new characters! I hope you're enjoying it so far as I keep adding to it. Thanks! :)

This Time It's My Turn •remodeled edition•Where stories live. Discover now