“Can I insult them?” Reinya asked mischievously.

“Do whatever you need to do, but please don’t get yourself killed before I can get you free!” I pleaded know that Reinya’s insults can be deadly, and that is an understatement.

“Oi, fuzzy legged useless things,” She called out, and I nearly snorted. Not the best one she had thought of, but we were getting there. “I’m sure you could have caught something other than us, bony elves. See? We’ve got next to nothing on our bones. Go catch yourself a dwarf or something. Actually, better plan. Auta miqula orqu [Go kiss an Orc], if you will. If we’re lucky, they’ll kill you. It’s be easy, I am sure of it, worthless oversized Agaryulnaerea.[blood-suckers]

There we go, I thought, those are the Reinya insults I know.I struggled trying to get free of the web, the spiders sure did a good job of tapping us.

Just about all of the spiders were advancing on Reinya as she continued to insult them with everything she's got. "What? You think you scare me, measly little Agaryulnaerea? Better think again! I’ve been in battle, and I’ve seen death, so show me your worse, you worthless little eight legged bugs!" She exclaimed, her voice becoming louder and louder.

    As Reinya continued to insult the spiders, I tried to figure out a way to get us out. I was unable to reach my any of my weapons, and tearing apart the webs by hand was not going to work. The only other thing I could think of was using fire, but if I create a fire it will draw heat from Gorell and cause him to go cold.

    However it was the only option I had. Right away I started working on creating a fire. It was extremely hard to create even a little bit of heat because it had not been near any kind of heat in many days. Just when I was about to give up I felt a spark ignited. “Yes!” I smiled. Then I set the webs on fire, I was surprised how quickly they burned to ash.

Once I had landed safely on the a branch  I quickly extinguished the small flames dancing on my hands. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Reinya shout out, “Umm.. Elemmire, would you mind hurrying up please. The spiders are getting a little close for comfort.”

“I’m on it,” I replied before whipping out my bow. Without hesitating I notched an arrow on the bow and aimed. I let the arrow slide through my fingers, it sailed through the air until it wedged itself between one of the spider’s eyes. The spider yelled out a screech of pain before falling to the ground.

I notch another arrow onto my bow before realizing all the spiders had turned their attention on to me. “Crap,” I murmured. They took no time to advance towards me. I continued to shoot down multiple spiders, but there were too many for me defeat alone.

With one smooth swap, I slung my bow back over my shoulders and then pulled out a long sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. I knew I needed more help, so I swung across the branches until I stood beside Reinya who was still stuck in the webs. I used my sword to cut her loose before I made my way over to the boys.

“Legolas! Gorell! Are you guys conscious?” I wanted to know whether I should cut them down or deal with the spiders first. After waiting a couple of seconds I heard a mumble of replies.

“Great!” I smiled.  

First I got to work on Legolas, though it was hard because every couple of second another spider would advance on my causing me to pull my attention away from the sticky mess.

Finally I got Legolas free.

“You alright?” I asked helping Legolas to his feet.

“Fine thanks, but we have bigger worries to deal with,” He replied pulling out his weapons.

Ravaonna- A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now