Chapter Seventeen

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"Well, you’re by far the prettiest girl on this planet! So that must make you the biggest princess of them all!" I cheered.

Rosie giggled again. “I am?!”

"Yeah!" I cried. 

She grinned madly at me. “Thanks, Niall!”

I winked and beneath me I felt Lorna stir. I looked down at her and saw her slowly opening her eyes. Once she realised my hand was firmly holding hers, she looked straight up at me in alarm. Then her eyes softened and she smiled at me.


I kissed her cheek. “Morning.”

I heard Rosie giggle from beside us.

Lorna tried to sit up and after me helping her, she managed to sit safely up in her bed, leaning against the head board. “Why are you here so early?”

I shrugged. “Couldn’t wait to see you I guess.”

Lorna narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re wearing yesterdays clothes! Niall, did you sleep here?”

"No, I actually fell asleep on our hill and I just came straight here."

Lorna smiled at me. “I miss being there, lying under the clouds and singing and laughing. I’d do anything to just go back there…”

The words struck me and before I could say anything, the door burst open and a young nurse came into the room pushing a tray with food on it. She went to Rosie first, handing her a plate of food and then asking her how she was feeling, then she turned to Lorna. “How you feeling, love?”

Lorna took the tray of food that the nurse handed her and set it onto the little table the nurse had also provided, that sat on her lap. 

"I’m okay. I’m quite tired though.." Lorna said.

"Tired?" The nurse asked, writing something down on her clipboard. "Are you sore anywhere?"

"Yeah, in my hip area."

I watched as the nurse wrote more onto her clipboard. “Okay, hon. I’ll go get Dr Green and he can give you your medication.”

Lorna smiled. “Thank you.”

The nurse left the room and Lorna started eating her porridge, which, I must say, looked disgusting.

Lorna obviously though so too as she spat out the first mouthful. “The food here is so gross. Nothing has any sugar or salt, so basically nothing has any flavour.”

"What’s wrong with your hip?" I asked her, changing the subject to what I was worrying about the most.

Lorna sighed. “I know what you’re thinking, Niall. I’m fine okay?”

"What’s wrong with your hip?" I asked again.


"Lorna!" I snapped.

"It just hurts!" She cried. "It’s like this shooting pain that I get once in a while, but I swear I’m fine."

I frowned and the door opened again and in walked who I supposed was Dr Green.

"Ah, Lorna!" He smiled, either not caring about my presence or not knowing. He walked right up to Lorna’s bed and started flicking through the clipboard the nurse had left at the end of her bed. His smile faltered as he scanned the page. "What’s wrong with your hip, love?"

Lorna ignored my stare and looked at Dr Green. “Every time I move I get this shooting pain in the very centre of my hip and even when I don’t move, there’s still this aching pain.”

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