Chapter Sixteen

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A feeling of shock rushed over me, mixed with confusion and wonder and anger. My gaze was still locked on Lorna’s, but hers has now shifted to the floor. I stood there, my mind racing and my heart beating fast. What does she mean she’s not going to go through with the operation?

Beside me, Noah sighed heavily. He has never been one to let his emotions out. He just keeps them inside him and I can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking and how he’s taking this. How he feels and what he wants to say.

Mrs Smith is the complete opposite though. She always says what’s on her mind and today is no different. “What do you mean?” She cried at Lorna. 

"I don’t want to do it!" Lorna yelled.

I realised that Noah is now leaning against the wall. I want to move, but my feet won’t let me. I’m permanently stuck here in this position, my eyes still fixed on Lorna.

"Why not?" Mrs Smith snapped.

I heard heavy breathing behind me and after a while I realise it’s from Noah. He’s freaking out and nobody cares. I want to go talk to him but I seriously cannot move from this spot..

As Lorna and her mother argue about the surgery, and Mr Smith paces around the room and every ten seconds interrupts, I get myself to move and I walk over to Noah. He’s looking down at the floor and still breathing heavily.

"Noah?" I asked.

"Because I don’t want to take the risk! I could die on the table!" Lorna yelled.

"It could also save your life, Lorna!"

Noah looked up and for the first time, I saw fear covering his face like some facial mask. He swallowed deeply before looking at me fully. “Yeah?” He said, trying to be completely calm.

"No!" I heard Lorna yell again. "You can’t make me, this is my decision!"

"Are you okay?" I asked Noah. 

"Not really…" He replied. "I’m a bit shocked."

"Lorna, you are being ridiculous! Of course you are taking the surgery!"

"No! What is it going to do, mum? You and I both know that the cancer isn’t curable. Why risk my life for something I already know?"

I don’t know why I’m fussing over Noah when Lorna is the one I should be freaking out over, but I guess just seeing him like this freaks me out. Then, once I’m about to say something to him, he runs out of the room and down the hallway. Mr and Mrs Smith and Lorna all fall silent and stare at the door that is just closing, then they looked at me.

"I’m gonna go talk to him." Mr Smith said, leaving the room.

"And I’m going to get the doctor." Mrs Smith snapped, also leaving the room.

As soon as they’re gone, Lorna turns to me. Her facial expression falters and she just looks at me. “Hey.” She smiled, like it’s a completely casual conversation.

But it isn’t.

"Lorna, what are you doing?" I snapped.

She sighed. “Not you too. I thought out of everyone, you would understand where I’m coming from.”

"Where are you coming from? Did you even think this through? This surgery can save your life, Lorna!"

Lorna locked her jaw. “The chance of it saving my life is was less than the chance of it ending my life.”

"But it’s still a chance."

She sighed. “I know how bad I am. I know how sick I am and how long I have to live, I don’t need a surgery, that could kill me, telling me so. They can’t cure me, Niall!”

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