Chapter Twelve

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"No! Stop!" Lorna cried as she squealed with laughter as I grabbed her by her waist. I was chasing her around the house and it took a while for me to finally grab her but in the end I did and I wasn’t letting her go. I held her tighter and spun her around. She tried to struggle out of my grasp but she was laughing too much and didn’t have the strength to break free.

"Say you’re sorry!" I whispered to her, begging for her to apologise for eating my last cookie. Like, it was mine.

"No." Lorna said back. "I regret nothing!"

I tickled her and she screamed before laughing again and demanding for me to stop. 

"Say you’re sorry!" I cried.

"Okay! Sorry!" She laughed. "I’m sorry I ate your cookie and….STOP TICKLING ME! Ah! I’m……I’m……" She had to take a breath and stop laughing. "I’m sorry!"

I smiled, satisfied, but still didn’t let her go. Instead I lifted her up and held her above my head. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pressed her lips hard against mine. I walked forwards to the wall and leaned her against it, not taking my lips off hers.

"I’m……..sorry……." Lorna said in between kisses. "I….really am…."

"You should……" I replied, breathing heavily.

Lorna pushed me away and stared right into my eyes before laughing and pushing my fringe back from my forehead. “I love you.” She said.

Even though we had said it quite a few times to each other already, each time she said it to me I got butterflies in my stomach and felt nostalgic. Each time I knew she really meant it and each time I did too.

"I know." I replied, still holding her up.

"No. I mean it." She said, placing her hands on my cheeks. "I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, the way your hair falls messily around your face, your personality, your humour. Everything. I love you, Niall Horan."

I smiled and kissed her again before I moved her away from the wall and walked into the lounge. We were at my house and everyone else was out, so I had invited Lorna to come over and spend the day with me. I dropped her gently onto the couch and leaned down in front of her. 

"I love you more." I said before standing back up. "Now, what do you suggest we watch?"

Lorna sat up on the couch and pulled her knees towards her. “A Disney movie!”

I groaned. I hated those movies, but I agreed and fished out a few that we had in our DVD collection. “Cinderella, The Fox and The Hound or-

I didn’t need to go on. Lorna’s eyes lit up and I sighed. “You want to watch Cinderella don’t you?”

"Yes please!" She cried.

I reluctantly put the DVD of choice into the player and sat back down on the couch next to Lorna. She snuggled up beside me and we watched the movie in silence. Lorna would commentate on the movie every minute or so, but other than that we didn’t talk.

About halfway through the movie, Lorna leapt off the couch and ran down the hall. I paused the movie in confusion, but then realised she was probably just going to the toilet.

I sat and waited for a while, and Lorna didn’t come back so I decided to go see if she was alright.

"Lorna?" I yelled as I walked down the hallway to the bathroom. "Everything alright?"

The bathroom door was shut and I as I got closer to it, I heard coughing from the other side. Then there was a scream.

I immediately turned the handle but it was locked.

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