Chapter 2-The meeting

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A/N Before I begin I wanted to say sorry for not updating with a chapter but here you go. :-D btw new bees in the last one meant new ppl or they stand out, Chey explained it to me if y'all were wondering.

Those 'bees' were wearing odd clothes compared to everyone else. The tallest blonde guy was wearing a white shirt, black tie, ripped jeans, and blue converses. The next blonde guy was weating a white t-shirt, ripped jeans and yellow converses. The next guy was tall and had brown hair, he was wearing a white shirt, a black vest, ripped jeans, and black converses. The next guy had brown hair, a white shirt with a cat that had paws over the cat, a black cardigan, dark jeans,and black converses. And last but not least, the only girl in the group. She had a white dress with pink roses all over it and had on black converses. (a/n idk I just made this up, while getting inspiration from pix and YouTube)

I was even more nervous when I saw them. I mean come on this R- freaking-5 for crying out loud! I guess I was zoned out because Cheyanne was waving in my face. "What?" I asked. "What are you looking at?" Cheyenne asked. I looked at her with a look that said are you really asking me that? but said "R5 is here at our practice!" as calmly as I could. She just looked at me like I was dumb, "your joking right? I doubt they'd come here." so I just back Prince up and her jaw dropped to the ground and looked back at me while I smirked at her. "See? I told you!"  she still looked shocked so I asked Prince to move forward a couple steps so noone would her expression.

Once she recovered she mounted her horse and waited her turn with us while Bella was taking her turn. I was watching Bella so I didn't see Chey leave and when she came back she yelled "Mack." I turned to her and said "what?" and it was my turn for my jaw to drop. I quickly closed my mouth. I caught the gaze of the tall blonde and omg those eyes. I mean a girl can get lost in those eyes. Chey cleared her throat, I snapped out of the trance I was in and she said "this is Riker,Rocky,Ratliff,Ross,and Rydel." while pointing to the nee 'bees'.  I smiled and shot a look to Chey that said "I know" but the r5 I said "hello" I was shocked Chey got them to come over. I next said "I don't want to sound rude but may I ask why y'all are at a barrel race?" I finished while fixing ny reins.

Rydel was the first to speak "we are having a concert tonight and got bored and decided to look around and saw your flyer and wanted to check it out." she finished saying while smiling.

I didn't have time to answer because Bella must have finished because she yelled "Mack to the gate." I smiled look at Riker who was smirking at me which made me want to know what he was thinking.

I trotted up to the gate.

I stared down the top of Prince's head down the field across to the third barrel. Everyone was cheering, my family,friends,and my fans.

I wad no longer nervous, this always happened when I am about to race. The adrenaline starts pumping throughout my body.

The gate opened and as soon as it did I got into my zone where its just me and Prince. Prince ran to the first barrel went around it and I think 'first cleared' then I kicked and kicked to the next barrel.

"Go Mack" Bella and Chey yelled. I made it around the second barrel  perfectly. And started for the third. I made it to the third and I kicked and kicked heading to home.

As the buzzer beeped I smirked knowing I had done amazing.

"And still number one Miss Mack" Cheyanne said. I smiled as Riker and his family walked up. They all had shocked looks on their faces. I just smirked at them as they saw my time of 13.3. Not my best time but I'm not complaining. Everyone was cheering and  I smiled and waved and dismounted Prince and gave him a pat on the neck to tell him he did amazing.

City boys don't fit the Country (R5/Riker Lynch fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now