Chapter 1

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I was on my way to meet my friends at Starbucks to talk about barrel racing practice and they said they also had a surprise for me. I wonder what it is. I wonder if its birthday related. I almost forgot to mention that today is my birthday, and I turn 21 today. When I finally get to Starbucks and I see my friends aren't here yet so I just get a chocolate chip frappe. I wait for my name to be called, finally it was called and soon after my friends walked in and ordered. They came over to my table and I say, "hey Cheyanne, Bella,and Kat, how you been?" They all replied with a "hey Mack". "So when should our next practice be? And I was thinking we should make it like a compitition and invite people to come and watch" I said. Cheyanne said "I like the idea." Bella and Kat just sat and looked like they had seen a ghost. Bella finally spoke "I like the idea but I'm not sure if inviting people is a good idea." Kat just nodded her head in agreement. I contemplated what was just said for a few minutes and finally spoke "I think if we did this people would tell their friends about us and we would get more well known." Kat spoke for the first time since the conversation started "I think it's a good idea but I'm scared what people will think. We've never had people watch our practices before,but I think we should invite people and tell them to tell people about it."  I smile because Kat is on board and say "We should put up flyers about it." Bella said smiling "it looks like we are competing this practice." I return her smile because she just agreed with my idea and it made me happy. "So what's this surprise you had for me?" I asked them. They all just smiled and handed me an envelope. I looked inside and saw a birthday card. I looked at my friends with a confused look on my face, they all had smiles. Cheyanne said "read the card." I took out the card and a piece of paper fell out, I put it to the side and read the sweet card they had gotten me. After I finished reading the card I picked up the paper and I started to read it and I must have had a priceless look on my face because my friends all had smiles on their faces and were laughing. I have the most awesome friends because they had gotten me tickets to see my favorite band of all time,R5. I got up and hugged each one of my friends.

At practice

I didn't know how to feel, excited or nervous. I looked to see many people had shown up. As I was mounting my prized horse Prince, something caught my eye. I saw 6 new bees. "Oh my lord" I said under my breath.

A/N this is the first chapter and I'm already leaving it on a cliffhanger:P lol anyway cheyanne13 helped out A LOT in this chapter so I thank you so much for that! I will try to update as much as I can but like most people I can get very busy. Thanks for reading!


City boys don't fit the Country (R5/Riker Lynch fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now