Chapter Fourteen

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     Miyonah had trouble sleeping. Nightmares plagued her mind as she tried in vain to get a good night's rest. Dreams of the group of men keeping them locked in that room; feeling their eyes all over her skin as she came out once a week with Tanner just so they could sit in the living room and be stared at. She tossed this way and that and when she finally gave up and opened her eyes, her blankets were on the floor in a pile and her pillow was nowhere to be seen. She figured she had some how flung it off the other side of the bed. This was about an hour back.

     She had gotten up after that and did what felt like a natural thing to her. Just like when she was at that house, she woke up and looked to find Tanner. Her and Tanner had both chosen the same room in the motel with two beds. They were used to it and he wanted to be there for her. But when Miyonah looked over to find him, his bed was empty with ruffled blankets and a crinkled pillow.

     Miyonah went over and checked his bed just in case but he wasn't there. She had hastily rushed out of her door into the dark hallway in a slight panic only to stop short and jerk back in the doorway. She peeked back out and seen Tanner leaning in towards Zayna, his hand cupping her cheek. Her eyes went wide in surprise. She knew Tanner had been watching her a lot and that they had a strange chemistry but she hadn't thought the girl returned his fascination.

     Just as Miyonah was about to go back in the room to give them privacy, Zayna stumbled back and Miyonah heard an angry whisper. She knew she shouldn't have found it amusing but she had to bite her lip so she wouldn't laugh. The girl was just too weird. Miyonah liked her.

     Zayna turned away from Tanner and came walking towards her causing her to back into the shadow of her door. She heard Tanner call out to the girl but she didn't hear a response. Peeking back out, she seen Tanner still standing there leaning against the wall. His hands were in his pockets and he just looked down the hallway liked he expected her to come back. Finally, he looked down and shook his head before standing upright and coming down the hallway back to the room.

     Miyonah flew back across the room and laid down under her blankets facing away from the door. She heard Tanner enter and sit on his bed and lay down with a sigh. This is where she lays now, holding in a smile. Seconds tick by before she can't hold it any longer. She starts laughing. It's quiet at first but becomes louder as her whole body shakes with it. Tanner looks over at her and a surprised smile lifts the corners of his lips.

"What are you laughing about, Mi? Why are you even up?"

     She sits up on her elbow and flips her dark hair over left arm. She smiles big at him and he props himself up too.

"I'm sorry but I was eavesdropping on you."

"What do you mean?" he ask, lines forming between his eyebrows, "When?"

     "Just now. I woke up to look for you and seen you in the hallway with Zayna." Her smile gets impossibly wider and she no longer cares about her nightmares, "What was that about?"

     He groans and face plants into his pillows. Quickly, Miyonah jumps out of bed and sits cross legged beside him on his. She leans her elbows against her knees and rests her face in her palms until he turns his face slightly towards her and peeks through one eye. She smiles once again and once again, he groans. Sitting up, he leans the back of his head against the wall and glances at her before looking at the far wall.

"I don't even know, Mi. I don't know what it is about her."

"Oh, I do." She replies.

"Yeah?" He asks facing her, "What is it then?"

     She makes a sound like it's completely obvious, "Well, it's pretty obvious she's kind of hot." She wiggles her eyebrows, "Not to mention badass."

He laughs, "You think so?"

     "Uh, yeah. She's got those green eyes and her lips are naturally pink and perfectly shaped. Her legs, scars and all, are toned from her always moving and her curls are wild and eye catching. The sword is just unbelievable. She looks like she stepped out of a movie."

     She bunches her lips to one side like she's thinking about something and says, "What I really want to know is how she pulls off that shirt. It's all torn and I'm pretty sure it's men's."

     Smiling, Tanner observes her and feels nostalgic. This was the real Miyonah. The one he's been best friends with since 6th grade. Her constant shifts in personality as of late have left him confused to what he should say and how he should act around her. He was glad to have her back, even if it was just every once in awhile.

"I missed you, Mi."

She makes a confused face, "Huh?"

     "You've been changing a lot lately. I didn't know what I was supposed to say to you but you get so closed off sometimes."

She makes a face and doesn't address his statement.

"So, what are we thinking about Zayna?"

He sighs, realizing she isn't going to talk about it.

"I'm thinking she now hates me."

     "Hate is a bit of a strong word. Plus, she did let you get pretty close before she backed away. She must feel something too."

"Yeah," he said sounding thoughtful, "maybe."

     She watched him for a while as he stared at the far wall. He looked lost in thought and she was sure she knew exactly what he was thinking about. The look on his face was like nothing she'd seen on him before. She knew it must be pretty deep.

     "What gave you the guts to go try and kiss her in the middle of the night anyway?" She asked breaking him from his thoughts.

     "That wasn't my original plan." He said laughing lightly, "I just woke up and remembered my bag was in the lobby so I went to get it since I was already awake. I passed their door and seen her sitting up in her bed, watching Lucas. She must have sensed me because she turned around and the faint light from the window lit up her face."

He stopped for a second. Remembering.

     "It isn't just that she's beautiful, Mi. It's her eyes and I don't just mean the color. I know she's seen a lot when I look into them. They tell a dark story of pain, loss and strength but I also see what she must have been like before. In little moments when she laughs or you catch her off guard. When that veil comes up it's like she's the sun."

Miyonah's eyes are as wide as plates when Tanner looks at her and it breaks him out of it.

"I've never known you to be a poet, Tanner. That was, well, that was something else."

     For a moment, he feels exposed but then he remembers who he's talking to and it doesn't bother him. Everything he said was true and there was no use in hiding it. He was attracted to Zayna on more than a physical level.

     As they both finally lay down to sleep, he thinks that whatever he's feeling is terrifying but, much like her, beautiful all the same.

****Hey guys! Another character building chapter. I wanted to get some in so you knew a little more about where they stand. We'll jump back into the action soon enough! I hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you're thinking about the recent events. Until Next Time, Keep Reading!****

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