Chapter One

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Paige's POV

The song bangarang by skrillex came out of my phone alarming me to wake up, to bad I was already awake. I was awake all night thinking of how bad my first day will be.

First day to 12th grade...

I'm really nervous, yeah it's my last year but I'm still shitting myself. How bad will people hurt me this year? Maybe bang my head against the lockers until I die bleeding?

Yeah, that'd be great. I gingerly moved my frail body across my bed which was against the far covers of my room which wasn't that big. I lived in the basement, it's nice and cool down here. It gives me a lot of privacy too when my parents aren't doing laundry. The plus of living in the basement is having my one bathroom. A place where I can cry out as loud as I want. A place where I can easily break the layer of skin on my wrist until I bleed.

I Stood on the cream carpet looking around my room. Posters of many of the bands I listen to cover my walls almost completely, leaving one wall for my art wall. I walked over to my dresser and picked out a bra and a pair of grey jeans. I walked over to my closet, next to the staircase and pulled out a random shirt which turned out to be a Motionless in White shirt.

I made sure that the basement door was closed and locked before I stripped out of my sleep wear. As I walked down the stairs I took off my pants and top. Slowly I clipped on my bra, slipped my arms through slid into my jeans and, slip on my band tee. I walked into my bathroom and turned on my straightener and brushed my hair out. It was a fiery red that made my pale skin illuminate and I loved it. While waiting for the straightener to heat up, I applied some eyeliner and a little bit of mascara to make my eyes come out a bit, they were a dull, deep brown.

I took the straightener in my hands and went around my hair making sure it was pin straight. I Teased the top layer a bit to make my hair have more volume. I turned it off and looked in the mirror. The purple bags and pale complexion made me looks years older. I sighed and brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom to get my bag. I grabbed my iPod and went and checked my instagram. I'm not a white girl, I just have a successful band account that I run.

I opened my pictures and found a funny tumblr pic to post.


Hey guys! First day of 12th grade.

I'm fucking terrified. All my teachers are gonna hate me and everyone is gonna hurt me. But I heard there's a new kid so I'm excited. Welp, I gotta go to hell! I mean school... lol no I didn't bYE!

I chuckled at my immatureness. I turned off my iPod and took my black bag and put it on my shoulder. I Grabbed my headphones and took off up the stairs. I flicked the light off and shut my door. I went to my counter and grabbed my car keys.

"Bye!" I yelled off to no one as I walked out of my house. I ran to my car and put the keys in ignition. I started the car and put the gears in reverse and backed out of my drive way. I synced my iPod to my car with Bluetooth and started blasting my music.

O.G. Loko by Of Mice & Men started playing. I tapped my fingers to the bass.

Once I pulled into the parking lot of my school my anxiety started getting to the best of me, making my lungs contract. I ignored the feeling and parked my car. I grabbed my bag and came out of the car. My feet felt cold. I looked down and realized I forgot my fucking shoes.

Are you fucking serious. I opened the back seat and grabbed my dirty black vans and slipped them on. I locked my car and walked towards the entrance of my school. I walked in and completely regret it. Things were being thrown at me, I was being pushed around and people wear grabbing my clothes.

I hate this school.

I finally reached my locker which was in the corner with the knocked out light that no one was around. Eh, I like it.

I opened the locker and put my bag in it.

I started to walk to my first class when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and I saw an unfamiliar face.

"Uh, Hi, I'm Andy and can you tell me where this class is?" A boy with black hair a a scene fringe asked me. I nodded and he showed me his schedule

"Oh we have all of our classes together." I stated quietly. I said not looking up until he muttered a 'yes'

"What?" I questioned him, he shook off my question. "You can just walk with me everywhere I guess." I said while starting to walk with him.

Silence fell over us until he spoke up breaking the tension.

"So what's your name?" He asked me. "Paige." I said to him. "Oo, I like that name. Can I call you Char 'cause you have red hair?" He said referencing to the pokemon "Charmander". I laughed at the name he said and agreed with it.

"Oo, Paige is that another guy you're gonna infect?" A douchedick yelled to me. I grabbed Andy's arm and starting walking faster. "What was that all about?" Andy questioned me. I shook my head implying that I wanted to talk about it later.

We finally reached the class and during it he passed me a note.

Meet me after class, we're gonna skip

The note read. I looked over at him with a smile on my face agreeing with him.

Well today is starting off ok...



so i wrote all of this in spanish class lol


shit what was i gonna say\

oh yeah

the picture of paige is on the side so... YEAH

love yous


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