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Will's POV-

I sat with my boyfriend, I rubbed his soft thighs and kissed his head silently. I could still hear small sniffles from him. I felt him nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck. I softly lifted his head up so I could see his face. "Nico..." I mumbled as tears fell down his pale face. "Why'd you do that?" I asked silently. I watched as Nico turned his head a bit so he couldn't look at my face. After a bit of silence I mumbled "you don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable." I knew of course I'd still force the truth out of him if he didn't answer now but maybe at a better time? I've never experienced this happen to anyone and I never wanted to witness it but for it to happen to my darling? I calmed myself down and looked up at him. "Drew..." Nico mumbled. "Drew what?" I asked concerned. "She told me I was worthless trash because of my...scars" I watched him as tears started falling more. This was the first time I'd seen Nico weak, he'd always been the bravest person I've met but this side of him "Nico, your scars are what make And I love you no matter what. You're a beautiful person and please, if you ever want to cut again come to me and I'll listen to your problems and I'll give you candy." I told him. He chuckled and leaned into me. "I love you so much, Will. Please, never leave me even if I am worthless. I need you. Please never leave... please don't leave me." He whispered as tears fell freely from his face. I pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you so much darling. I'll never leave you, even at your worst days I'll be there." I rubbed his back soothingly. "You know what's funny?" I asked him. "What?" Nico muttered. "Yesterday Drew had cuts all over her arm and she started acting like she wanted to kill herself as she was doing her 'daily flirting'. I could tell she was lying though, her acting skills are horrible." I told him. "Wow okay I never expected her to do that" I heard Nico say as he sat up. "I saw it coming but she used to be so nice! Along time ago she was as sweet as strawberry wine" I laughed. "As sweet as strawberry wine? Okay there Chris Stapleton." Nico said as he started laughing. I had to bite my lip to keep from bursting with laughter. After a second I started talking again. "But there ain't nothing as sweet as you darlin'" I whispered in his ear making him blush. He turned away for a second then turned back, kissing my cheek softly. "I love you darlin', in case ya didn't know already." I hugged him as we sat there just talking about random things that came to mind. I loved this kid so much.

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