Chapter 13

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The wedding was beautiful. Everything was perfect. At least the ceremony was.

There came a time for Clarke to finally talk to Arora, Bellamy's mom.
"It's nice to meet my daughter in law." She smiled.
"It's nice of me to meet my mother in law." Clarke smiled back.
"You know, I'm really happy for my son. I was hoping for this arrangement but I'm glad my son is happy with it."
"We are both very happy, I assure." She nodded.

Later on, there was dancing. Clarke and Bellamy walked out together and took the whole floor. They were happy. Every touch, and smile they experienced up to that point was at the forefront of their minds. It was hard to believe they hated eachother not long ago. Now, they loved eachother with an intense passion. Neither thought of past heart break. Only the beautiful moment they were experiencing on the dance floor.
"Bellamy?" Clarke got his attention.
"I'm happy I fell in love with you."
"Good." He said, smiling. "Cause you're stuck with me." He winked and she laughed. "I'm glad I fell for you too." He admitted.
"Good." Clarke smiled. "Cause you're stuck with me." Clarke repeated him and they kiss.

"They really love eachother, don't they?" Abby asked Jake. He smiled.
"More than we know."


"And that's how Grandma and Grandpa met?" A girl, about twelve asked.
"Yes Maria. Then they had their first child, Jacob. Then me. Then Tyler."
"Mom, why did they name you Alexandria?"
"Cause Grandpa likes History." She shrugged.
"Actually, it was my second choice for Octavia's name." Bellamy walked in.
"Grandpa!" The little girl smiled and rushed to hug him. He embraced her.
"Hello father." Alexandria smiled.
"What're you two talking about?"
"How you and Grandma fell in love." The girl smiled.
"Ah, my favorite part of history." He smiled.
"How's mom doing?" Alex asked.
"She's... ok." Bellamy nodded. "She should make it ano there week or so."
"How do you feel about that?" Alex asked.
"Same as you do." He confesses. Bellamy was quiet. "Take care of the kingdom. Your mom and I taught you and your brothers well. I trust you to leave it running."
"Father, you can't-"
"We don't know what's going to happen. But I already feel my heart breaking. I can't loose Clarke. My life, my love. I'm sorry but I can't go on without her." He sighed.
"I love you, father."
"I love you, Alexandria."


Bellamy walked in his and Clarke's room. Clarke slept peacefully while Bellamy sat on the bed and laid back. Clarke felt someone come in and faced him.
"Bellamy?" She looked at him. He looked at her and smiled with joy.
"Hey, love."
"I'm going to die soon." She let a tear fall. "I'm don't want to go alone!"
"Shh." Bellamy pulled her close and hugged her. "I got you. I'll always be there. Just sleep. You're ok."
"Bellamy?" She sniffled.
"I love you still."
"I love you still." He said back. Both of them were old and had lived full lives. Yet, Bellamy still thought Clarke was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever see. Clarke thought Bellamy was the most attractive man in the world, despite his age. They looked at eachother with the same intense love they felt when they danced on their wedding night. They kissed and slowly fell asleep together. As they relaxed, their hearts beat slower. The closer they got to falling asleep, the closer their hearts got to stopping. Then, at the same time, they fell asleep and their hearts stopped. Their last breathes were taken together.

...And that was the love story of Princess Clarke and Prince Bellamy...

*** Ugh, tears, I know. 😢

Sorry I haven't updated lately, I was trying to hold the chapter out for a while but I felt a need to just finish it so here you go!

Also, please let me know if I should write a Season five fic. I wannaknow if yall would be interested in that so please comment!


Anyway, this is the last chapter of this fic but hopefully, you'll ask for more! Please check out my other writing if you will and sorry this chapter is short.

I love you, thank you for reading and I'll see you next fic! 😙


T-Rex aka Queen of Bellarke 👑 * * *

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