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Harry's POV

I paced in my hallway as I waited for Niall to arrive, trying to take deep breaths as I prepared myself to come face to face with Taylor, the other three too if necessary. I had to remember that Niall hadn't seen any of them since the day we left Tollenworth, and this was gonna be way harder on him than me. Zayn had struggled at the hearing just being in the same room with them 20 feet away, and Niall was about to be much closer and actually trying to have a conversation with them. I had to keep myself calm so I could navigate the situation and find out what I needed to know.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see it was Hannah.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey, babe. Just checking in. I just finished class, I have to go downtown to drop off that waiver for my tryout and then I'll be home."

"Liv's going with you?"

"She was gonna go with me but she has her academic review today, so she can't go until later..." She said hesitantly.

"Then you need to wait for her." I said simply, I was already on edge about the whole visit with Taylor.

"Babe, today is the deadline and they close at 5. If I don't go do it now I won't be able to try out. I promise I'll go straight there, drop it off, and come straight back."

I exhaled sharply, not liking the idea of her going anywhere alone one bit. I knew everyone else was working and there was nobody else to go with her, that why I agreed to let her and Liv go alone in the first place without one of us. I couldn't believe I was about to let her do it, but I knew how much it meant to her and I couldn't just knowingly let her sacrifice her tryout.

"You go straight there, and text me when you get there and when you're on your way back, I'm serious." I said sternly.

"I will. I promise. I'll even talk to you on the way until you have to leave." She said and I could hear her smile through the phone, settling my nerves a bit. "How are you doing? I know today isn't gonna be easy for you."

"I'm alright. I'd rather not see them ever again, but it is what it is. I'm just nervous for Niall." I shrugged.

"Harry, it's gonna be hard on both of you, don't take it all on like that." She sighed. "I love you."

"Me too, baby. More than I could ever tell you, obviously." I sighed.

She chuckled as Niall came through the door, looking like he was about to throw up. He took a deep breath and nodded at me, signaling he was ready to go.

"Niall just got here, babe. Don't forget to text me. Be safe, please."

"I will. Call me as soon as you're done."

We said goodbye before I hung up and looked over at Niall. We both took a deep breath and I put my hand on his shoulder as I set the alarm and we headed out the door. I hopped into the driver's side of my Range Rover as Niall got in the other side, and we were on our way.

The drive was virtually silent, neither of us needing to say anything since we knew exactly what the other was thinking. I pulled up to the front of the jail, just as I had so many other times for the hearings, and parked in the parking lot. I turned to look at Niall, who was staring straight ahead and taking deep breaths. I reached over and put my hand on his shoulder, trying to let him know I was there, and he turned to look at me.

"You don't have to do this. You can stay here, I can go." I said softly.

" you're not going alone. I need to do this. I need to look him in the face." He said, his voice on the verge of shaking as he spoke.

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