Chapter 20: Risks and Retributions

Start from the beginning

I quietly people watched as I ate my breakfast, observing all the different types of people sat together. A group of men burst into laughter over some breakfast conversation they were having, some woman knitting as they intensely conversed nearby, a group of kids playing with their food rather than forking it down. Things like this made me forget we were in the apocalypse, it made me feel more human again. 

"Uh - excuse me" a soft voice spoke, myself shockingly peering up to find a pretty blonde in front of me. 

"Hi?" I greet her, astonished someone was actually speaking to me.

"Can I sit?" she questions, warily checking her surroundings as she asked.

I hesitated, not wanting to get her in trouble. But Negan was quite busy with the Daryl dilemma and she was a female after all. So I nodded.

As soon as she sat, I could tell she had something she needed to talk to me about. It was evident in her eyes. They were gentle and kind, but concerned and curious.

"I'm Eliza" she juts out her hand, myself taking it warily. She meets my eyes with her own, lowering her voice, "I'm Nigel's sister."

As soon as she said it, her facial features all seemed to make sense. Her gentle blue eyes now looking awfully familiar to her brothers, the way her lip curled on the left side and how she furrowed her eyebrows when she smiled - it was like I was looking at Nigel again. 

"You look just like him" I softly observe, dropping my fork onto the plate with a loud clink.

She smirks at my words, "Twins."

Of course, their were like mirror images of each other but the other gender. It made complete sense that they were twins. 

She let out a shakey  sigh, "I know this is quite burdensome of me to ask you, but do you know if he's okay?"

The poor girl, she didn't know how or where her brother was. I didn't know much either, but I believed she was turning to me for reassurance.

I nod, "I believe he's okay, he escaped with Daryl, so he should be alright."

She slumps on her hand, offering a slight smile, "Alright, that's reassuring," she sighs, "I just didn't know if I was just being over concerned or" she sharply inhales, "I just really love him and want him to be okay."

My heart went out to her, this poor girl had lost the only family she had in a matter of days. The odd part being she didn't seem terrified to be without him, she was only concerned for her brothers health and well being. It was enlightening really. To be able to see her brothers face get melted off and still have a positive outlook on his health.

I reached across the table, squeezing her hand with my own. Her face brightening at the encouraging touch.

Lowering my tone, "I know the guy who got them out of here and I know where he took them. They're safe, I promise you" I smile, her face filling with hope at my words.

"Thank you for that" she sighs, "It's just -- he's all I got, ya know? I just wish I actually, truly knew that he was okay. I trust you, I just wish you actually knew."

She wasn't being doubtful, she was only being real. I had no idea what could've occurred to the three of them, maybe they didn't even make it back to the Hilltop. Maybe they got stopped along the way, who knew?

"I'll find out for you" I promise her, not exactly knowing how, but I knew I was going to keep that promise.

Her bright eyes widened in curiosity, "But, how?"

I didn't know how, I didn't know if I even had a chance to find out, but then the gears of my mind began to shift.

"I've got an idea" I whisper, pulling the backpack I had off of the floor and unzipping it. I pulled a small note book out of it, sliding it across to her along with a pen. "If you have anything you want to say to Nigel, write it down."

She gives me a puzzled expression, "What, what're you going to do?"

I shake my head, "I don't know, but it's going to piss Negan off if I do it."

After I parted ways from Eliza, I headed out onto the common grounds. My recent promise still stirring within my mind. There had to be something I could do to get in touch with Nigel, just something. Poor Eliza needed to know he was okay, she deserved that. Though I could make educated guesses based off Daryl's note, I truly didn't know if Nigel was alright.

"Simon!" Negan's loud voice called off in the distance.

I spied his brute figure come around the corner of a van, swinging Lucille around carelessly, "You heading out to The Hilltop?"

I watched as Simon nodded, still hesitant around Negan from the beating he last gave him. 

"Good, turn that place upside down. We ain't gonna rest till Daryl is found" Negan assures him, "Now get goin'."

Simon nodded, fearful to question anything Negan had to say. 

But wait, Negan said they were heading to The Hilltop? Well that would've been where Daryl and Nigel would've gotten off to....

My eyes fell down to the note I had crumbled in my hand, diverting back up to the van getting ready to head off to where Daryl and Nigel were at. 

Do you see where I'm going with this?


Negan called to me from where he stood down by Simon, raising his arms, "Where've you been all morning darlin'?" 

I scoffed, first he treats me like shit and then he calls me "darlin'" I wasn't having that.

"Avoiding you" I admit from the distance I'm at. 

He chuckles, eyeing me mischievously and then turns away. 

"Now Simon" he begins, wrapping an arm around him and leading him away.

Here was my chance.

I bolted forward from where I stood on the stairs, racing down towards the van.

I would most likely regret this later, but right now it seemed like the only right decision.

I pulled myself up into the back of the van, shuffling behind a couple tall boxes, them being my only cover.

"Alright, now get goin', wasting daylight."

My heart pounded against my chest into only adrenaline, but fear as the engine started. If Negan found out, this would piss him off. I didn't need to do that because Negan was just starting to open up to me. Just beginning to reveal that vulnerable side, but I couldn't focus on that. 

I needed to get this note to Nigel, I needed to make sure he was okay, for Eliza.

So off to The Hilltop we went.

AN: hi guys, so sorry for taking so long to update! Life has been crazy right now. But I will update as much as I absolutely can for you guys. Thank you so very much for reading, I love you all! Love, Zan

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