Time To Wake Up

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[Yumiko POV]

    “Kankuro?!”I snapped my eyes open and sat up. The last thing I remembered is healing a man in the cave when Kankuro showed up. I looked around and found that I was back in the tent I was staying in with Kankuro when we were in Konoha. No one was in the room but me. The tent door opened and I saw Temari step in. I stiffened when I saw her back and when she turned around her eyes landed on me.

    “Oh, you’re awake.” She said and I just nodded. “...” She just stood there and we just looked at each other. “Ah! You’re probably wondering where Kankuro is.” She said after some awkward silence. “He’s just with Lady Tsunade talking about-”

    “Lady Tsunade’s up?!” I asked jumping out of the bed and putting some clothes on.

    “H-hold on, Yumiko. You still need to rest.” Temari said trying to get me to lay back down.

    “I’m fine. I just needed some rest.” I quickly said and walked into the tent connected to ours. There Kankuro was sitting with Lady Tsunade looking over some papers. Kankuro looked up and smiled seeing me up. He stood up, walked over and hugged me.

    “I’m so glad you’re up!” He said tightening his grip on me, a bear hug.

    “I-I’m glad too, but I’d be even more glad if I could breath.” I said and felt his arms loosen.

    “Ah, sorry. But what are you doing up. You should still rest.” He said pulling back to look at my face.

    “It’s fine. I just needed sleep.” I told him and he studied my face to see if I was lying.

    “She’s telling the truth Kankuro. She’s been healed for awhile now. It was only a matter of time till she woke up.” A voice said and we turned to see Lady Tsunade standing and looking our way. I bowed as I spoke.

    “It’s nice to meet you 5th Hokage Lady Tsunade.” I said.

    “Please stand up. Call me Tsunade.” She said and I stood up.

    “Tough luck. She’s dating my brother and still calls me Lord Kazekage.” I turned around to see that Gaara had entered the tent. I went red and tried to hide my face.

    “Actually when we’re alone she calls you either, Lord Gaara or ‘your brother’. If that helps any.” Kankuro said and I hit his arm.

    “Kankuro!” I said and he just laughed causing me to sigh. “If you want I can call you Lady Tsunade.” I turned the attention back to her. “Also you said, only a matter of time till I woke up. How long have I’ve been asleep exactly?” Lady Tsunade smiled.

    “Not long really, only a week.” She said.

    “A week?” I yelled surprised. “What about the village?” I started to pace back and forth. “I came to help and I ended up falling asleep for a week.” I felt a hand on my shoulder on looked up to see Kankuro.

    “It’s fine. The village is now stable because of you.” Kankuro said and I just looked at him confused. He lead me out of the tent and I saw that a lot more buildings have been built. “After we got you out of there. They apologized and asked if there was anything they could do to help. We told them the situation and they sent people to help build.” We heard someone clear their throat and turned around to see Sakura, Lady Tsunade, Ino, Hinata, and Shikamaru, who I noticed was quite close to Temari, and many other people I haven’t met yet.

    “As a Thank-you from the village for all of your help and support. We wanted to throw you a dinner as thanks. We hope you all can join.” Lady Tsunade said and I looked to Kankuro who put his arm around me making me blush.

    “Of course we will.” He said with his usual cocky grin, but he also seemed to be giving a hidden signal to them which I didn’t understand. I sighed and smiled agreeing with him. Kankuro looked down to me and smiled. “First we have to buy you a change of clothes.” He said and pulled me away from the group toward where many of the new buildings were being built. I sighed and waved a ‘see ya later’ to everyone then followed Kankuro.

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