Chapter 2: The New Patient

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Brendon found it remarkably strange to see Dr Johnsten outside of his office. But here he was, standing to his great height, holding the duffle bag of the boy beside him.

"Brendon, this is Dallon." He introduced gently. "You're going to show him around, remember?" Dr Johnsten quietly hoped Brendon wouldn't run off screaming, like he'd done the last time he'd asked Brendon to show someone around.

Brendon didn't move a muscle. Dr Johnsten noticed his fast breathing, as did Nurse Jackie. She moved over and patted his shoulder. "Dallon is only a year older than you. Isn't that fun?"

Brendon frantically shook his head.

Dallon frowned slightly. He'd only been here 10 minutes and already he seemed to have met the craziest person he'd ever seen.

"I-I'll be back?" Brendon stammered, before taking off down the hall.

Dr Johnsten sighed and chased after him.

Brendon found himself back in his bunk room, with Ryan trying to comfort him. This didn't appear to be helping.

"I-I can't d-do this R-Ryan." Dr Johnsten sighed to himself from outside, overhearing the conversation. Talking to himself again, despite the fact that he'd stopped this ages ago. It seemed Brendon was going backwards nowadays.

The longer he listened the worse it became.

"He's g-gonna take you away R-Ry!" Brendon sobbed.

Dr Johnsten winced, deciding to intervene. He knocked slightly on the door. "Brendon?"

"D-Don't come in!"

He opened the door before immediately slamming it closed. "Brendon, put some clothes on."

"N-No." Brendon whispered.

"Brendon, please." Dr Johnsten sighed.

"Y-You're not allowed in here..."

"I am, and I will exercise that right if you don't put some clothes on."

"Don't come in!" Brendon squealed.

"I'm going to give you two minutes. I'm going to time it, and then after that, I'm coming in whether you're clothed or not." Dr Johnsten sighed and set the alarm on his watch. "Time starts now."

There wasn't any sign of moment at all. Not a single noise.

"One minute Brendon."

Still nothing.

After two minutes, Dr Johnsten stood up and took a deep breath, before entering the room. Brendon, of course, shrieked in alarm and crawled under the bed, still not clothed.

"I warned you.' He sighed. "Come on, get some clothes on Brendon, please."

"GET OUT!" Brendon screamed, almost in agony. "YOU HAVE TO GET OUT! PLEASE!"

"Brendon, I'm trying to help." He tried to say gently.

Brendon pressed his hands to his ears and screamed.

Dr Johnsten sighed. "Brendon, all I'm asking you to do is put some clothes on. It's not an unreasonable request."

Nurse Jackie walked to the door and sighed. "Do I get the team in here?"

"Please." Dr Johnsten murmured.

He walked out of the room as the team of nurses walked in. He tried to ignore Brendon's screams as he went back to the new patient, who was looking awfully confused.

"Does that happen often?" Dallon asked.

"Um... not... really?" The doctor responded. "Brendon is... he's a good guy once he trusts you. He doesn't do too well with new people."

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