Chapter 6

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**A/N: Above is Brent Rivera who plays Rigg Carver. :) **

Abram watches in amusement as Rigg struggles to hold onto Jonah as he sits on his shoulders. Jonah does not look happy to have to help the boy across the water. Trigg clings onto Abram's back as he swims across the water. Rigg looks like he is about to pass out as he attempts, but fails miserably, at trying to keep his feet above the water. Trigg nearly chokes Abram but Abram doesn't mind.

Once they make it across the water Rigg jumps off Jonah's shoulders and literally kisses the ground.

"Oh, sweet solid ground, I missed you so much!" Rigg cries as he continues to kiss the dirt and grass.

"You were in the water for like three minutes," Jonah grumbles annoyed.

Abram snickers at the two as he helps Trigg slide down his body and then pulls him into his chest once his feet hit the ground. Trigg is soaking wet from the water but Abram doesn't mind, it just means the boy can wear his clothes now.

"Let's just get back to the house," Jonah says before he shifts into his brown wolf and trots ahead.

Trigg presses into Abram's side as Rigg clings to Trigg's arm, all at the sight of Jonah shifting. Abram finds it odd but doesn't say anything as they follow after Jonah. The walk would have been faster if Rigg wasn't holding onto Trigg's arm and if Trigg wasn't so pressed into Abram's side. Abram didn't mind it though, it just meant more time with his mate, and more skin contact with him.

By the time the pack house came into view Jonah was leaning against a tree already shifted and changed into a pair of basketball shorts, holding an extra pair of shorts. He hands the shorts to Abram once they stop next to him.

"Thanks," Abram mumbles as he takes the red shorts. He reluctantly has to let Trigg go to slip the shorts on, but to his relief, Trigg didn't move a muscle. "You boys hungry?"

Trigg bites his bottom lip as Rigg pretends not to have heard.

Abram shakes his head before pulling Trigg back into his side. "I know you're hungry, so just say so," He says. Then he places his hand on Rigg's back and leads both boys to the house.

No one is in sight as they make their way into the house, which isn't surprising since it is only two in the morning. Jonah groans as they make it to the third floor.

"I'm going to shower and then count sheep," Jonah says as he heads to his door that leads to the Beta's quarters. "Please don't need me until at least lunch tomorrow," Then he disappears into his apartment.

Abram shakes his head before moving to the end of the hall and pushing his door open. A sweet scent hits his nostrils and this time he can't hold in the sneeze.

"That daughter of a whore," Abram growls angrily as he pushes Trigg behind him. Then he angrily storms into the apartment.

Trigg and Rigg slowly make their way into the apartment but Abram heads straight down the short hallway and into his bedroom where he finds the source of the scent. There, on his bed, lays Lulu Williams, still dressed in her underwear. She tries to lay in a seductive pose but it only fuels Abram's anger.

"Get the fuck out!" Abram shouts angrily.

"But, baby," Lulu pouts. "You've been gone for quite some time,"

The walls shake with the growl that leaves Abram. "I told you not call me that!"

Lulu pouts as she gets off the bed and saunters over to him. Abram jumps back away from her touch, his back slamming into the wall of the hallway. He can see Trigg and Rigg out of the corner of his eye.

Abram (ManXMan, Werewolf)(Book 4) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now