Safe and Soundly Sleeping

Magsimula sa umpisa

The sun had begun to set, earlier now than in the summer, as Marshall strode through the snow to find someplace to eat. He passed many cafés, too full of people to appeal to him, before he stopped dead in his tracks. One of Gumball's beautiful cakes sat in the window of a bakery... Marshall wasn't in the mood for sweets but his mouth watered at the sight of his prince's work.

"Oh, Marshall! You came here too?" A familiar voice spoke, and he turned around. "We can share a table!" Fionna spoke, happily. A rage rose up in him, the same as when he saw her being ever so careless with Flame Prince. The king prepared to leave, but stopped, as the scent of breads and cakes filled his nostrils and reminded him that he was starving.

"To go, thanks." Marshall snarled as the peppy human waited to order behind him. Tree Trunks grabbed some pastries and set them on the counter, steam rose from them. "Twelve dollars, please and thank ya'!" He spoke, gleefully, as Marshall reached for his wallet. Fionna's hand snaked into his back pocket as she handed it to him, making his head whip around in anger. "Keep 'em away, blondie." Marshall glared at her, as he snatched the wallet away from her and paid the elephant.

"Marshall, please! We need to hang out again!" Fionna began as the king picked up his order and started towards the door.

"No, we really don't." He wasn't in the mood for argument, Marshall just wanted to get home and watch his movie. "C'mon, I know you miss these lumps." She said, trying to lure him back into her arms. The effort was worthless, as Marshall shut the door behind him. It had started to snow, but the vampire couldn't tell the difference between the snow falling onto his face or his tears. He angrily tore a bite off his dinner, and trudged through the white wasteland. Fionna had dropped his heart like a hot plate, and simply swept the broken pieces away. What was Flame Prince to her anyways, Marshall thought. Just a guy willing to mash her? Just another pickle in the jar? Hail began pouring down onto him as he took the last few bites of his meal, his cheeks were cold and felt as though they would crack. The night air hit him, his tear drenched face froze. "Just a bit further..." He continuously told himself.

The king burst through his door, shivering, and stripped off his soaking wet clothes. He was suddenly glad Gumball didn't come, for the walk would have been terrible for him. He wished for a hot shower as he took off his shoes, which were completely soaked. "Y-You're home! Oh glob, you're alright!" Gumball cried out from the kitchen, then ran over and threw his arms around his king. Marshall fell backwards, his prince hugging him closely. "The weater was so bad, I-I thought you'd freeze out there!" He whispered, not letting go of the vampire. Marshall grinned, his teeth still clattering. "Halfway frozen, I'd say." He pressed his cold wet lips against Gumball's, suddenly his drenched socks didn't matter anymore. Gumball leaned back and stood up, extending his arm to help his king. "I came a few hours back, thinking you'd be here..." He said, helping Marshall remove his wet shirt. "There are some clean clothes on your bed... I-I thought I'd wash them for you..." Gumball rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed to be so considerate. He felt like a lovesick teenager, tending to his baby's wound, as he wrapped a blanket around his bad little boy.

Gumball strut out of the kitchen, two cups of steaming tea in his hands. "Warm enough?" He said, handing him one if the cups. "It's camomile, drink it while it's hot." Marshall sneezed and took the mug, blowing on the contents. He felt babied, but the king enjoyed it. Gumball massaged the back of his vampire's neck as he sipped his tea, both a relaxing and warm feeling settled in his stomach at once. The hot drink warmed Mashall's insides, and he could start to feel his eyes droop. Gumball must've brought the tea with him, it seemed like just the thing he'd have lying around. If it were his choice, he'd have set out a couple beers. Setting the empty cup aside, Marshall cloaked his prince with half the blanket and nibbled softly on his sweet neck. Gumball sipped and leaned back, not a single care in his mind but the burning affection for his king. Perhaps the raging storm wasn't so bad after all. "Why'd you come over here..." Marshall murmured, his head leaning on Gumball's shoulder. Gumball kissed him gently and simply shrugged. "I guess I just... wanted to be with you tonight." The truth slipped from his lips, as his face turned cherry. There was a long silence as Gumball sat, one arm wrapped around his king, and Marshall with his eyes shut, his head resting on his prince. "Thank you... for nursing me, Bubba." The vampire finally spoke, almost startling his partner, then silence settled in once again.

It must have been two in the morning by the time Gumball opened his eyes, Marshall's head was snug in his lap as he slept soundly, he looked so adorable. The prince groomed his king's hair with his fingers as he looked around the darkness, everything seemed so tranquil. Funny, Gumball thought, how so much can change in so little time. The fact was if Marshall had been sleeping on his lap one week ago, he would've been kicked out. But now he slept, with Gumball's hand resting in his long black hair. He closed his eyes and leaned back, in attempt to sleep once again. The wind beat upon the house, but they were safe. Safe together.

Just a Bit SweeterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon