They talk about me?

I glance at Victoria and we meet eyes before I turn back to Kaelynn "Is that so?"

"Yeah. But she's gorgeous Mani and fucking rich. Big ups to you" she says, grabbing her dance shoes.

"She's not bad looking," I smile.

"Yeah what ever, she's fucking hot" Kaelynn laughs.

"Don't you have to change your clothes or something?" Victoria grunts, and when I turn to hers she's flaring her nose.

"Take the stick out of your ass Vicky," she smirks as walks off.

I laugh, shaking my head as she walks away. I turn my head back to Victoria and I can't read her expression until she smiles "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, I had a sandwich during our second break"

"Oh okay" she says looking down at her phone "Well I still have fifteen minutes, Ima go grab some food. Text me if you get hungry honey" she smirks as she pushes through the door.


Before I can even think about it, my phone buzzes from the pocket of my sweats. I pull it out and a large grin forms over my face.

I love waking up to you in the morning.

I think my face splits in two with my grin, and my inner Mani back-flips and lands into a split.

I love waking up to you, too. But I love being in bed with you and in elevators and on pianos and pool tables and boats and desks and showers and bathtubs and strange wooden crosses with shackles and four-poster beds with red satin sheets and boathouses and childhood bedrooms.

You have me all sex mad and insatiable.

I've just spat coffee all over my keyboard.

I don't think that's ever happened to me before.

I do admire a woman who concentrates on geography.

Am I to infer you just want me for my body?

Yes, of course. That's all I want. You fuck me so well Jauregui.

And now you have me all giggly, and wet too.

I love that you are giggly and wet. I'd love to see.

I almost choke on my own spit before typing my response.

As much as I would love to show you, it's not very professional. Plus we'll probably get too carried away and my break ends soon.

I'll talk to you later. Stop bothering me.

I don't want to :(

But as ever, your wish is my command.

Laters, baby.

I put my phone in my locker and before I know it this break is over and I'm back in the studio. Since we're rehearsing the contemporary dance, which I enjoy very much, the times goes by beyond fast and after a blink of the eye it seems I'm standing with my back against the mirror drinking a bottle of water.

Fifty Shades Greener (Laurmani)Where stories live. Discover now