Chapter One.

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When you meet someone new, it's either fateful or it's fatal.

She walked past the window at the back of the busy kitchen in one of the finest 5-star restaurants in Seoul, South Korea. And he did not miss her, the girl in the white dress. it was loose on her... where it had to hug her curves it only groped at air. Her dark hair fanned her bony face, which was flawless.

Her translucent skin clung to her bones and she shivered a little when a gust of wind blew in her direction. He watched her until she turned around the block. He watched at the trails she'd walked in, thinking of her tired eyes and her feeble hand pulling the jacket closer to her body.

'KIM SEOKJIN! ONE ORDER FOR THE SPECIAL' Bellowed the waiter's voice, breaking him from the trance. 'Uh..ah.. Ne...' Replied.

'What's up with you hyung?' Asked his junior, Jungkook who was the kitchen's dishwasher. But hey, in Chef Kim's kitchen, you could be a garbage can and be proud.

'Baby, get back to work...' cooed Jin to the youngest member of the most prestigious Chef's hotel's kitchen. It was a lot of work and lot of tension too. It was a battle every day. They had a reputation to upkeep, a pace to match and boss to answer.

'Seok Jinah?' Asked the waiter, tapping his heels. With a final toss, he expertly placed the pasta- Wisconsin Special. and handed it to the waiter who rushed out. He took a moment to think of the girl's dark, tired, doe-shaped eyes.

'YAH, JINAH, SPECIAL' boomed a voice whose owner disappeared before he could even register what he'd said.

'Kookah, what'd he say?' asked the wide-eyed man.

'Special, hyung...' replied the maknae, wondering what the hell was wrong with the "Eomma" of the kitchen.

'Ne...' he said absent-mindedly as he turning on the fire and getting on with the dish for the hundredth time that day.

But he had nothing to complain because he was Chef Kim's only son and pride. Wasn't he?


She walked into a restaurant with a tight heart.

Restaurant, meant food, meant... nightmares. She looked around the 5-star hotel's suave interiors. 'An expensive place for a first date', she'd thought when her mother had texted her the address for the blind date.

A wave from a farther corner broker chain of thoughts. She saw the man she was supposed to meet.

And BOY. Was HE handsome?

She had seen his pictures, but the reality was completely different. It was like he was from a different planet. She'd assumed that she'd been sent a picture which had taken a few years ago... but no, this guy looks so YOUNG to be 29.

'Min Ah ssi?' his lip moved accompanied by a deep voice.

Min ah felt small in front of him. Insecure and incomplete.

'Ne... taehyung ssi? Nice to meet you...' did her voice come out squeeky? what was that flat ending the "you"? "Ugh... this guy is gorgeous... he's gonna turn me down too." she thought as she sat down.

'You look way prettier in person. Minah yah...' He said.

'Uh... you to... I'm mean not pretty... but.. uh... gor-handsome.' she stuttered to which he laughed thinking how cute this girl was as he peered into the menu.

FUCK. What was that? I ought to kill myself, wait did he just drop his honorifics? The hell?

'Did...' she started but was interrupted by the waiter taking orders and placing the complimentary crackers and appetizers on the table.

'You were saying?' he asked again in informal sppech.

'Why did you drop honorifics?' She asked, still in formal speech.

'Because it's way cooler? Look Minah yah, this looks like a space ship... wheeeee' He said, his voice hitting the pitches she couldn't have deemed existe

Okay, so he's a crackpot. I need someone... deeper?

'Taehyung, stop that please. This is making me self conscious.' She was in her comfort zone because of her new formed judgement against the man-child. Oh. she used informal speech.

'Hahahaha... Minah Yah i'm just kidding around... So let's start... I'm Kim Taehyung, Music composer and producer, I sing too. My favorite cartoon show is SpongeBob and Simpsons and... and... when I was twelve I got into an accident. I have elephant moles... want me to show you?' His eyes wide with fury excitement.

What in the name of... How old is this guy? Is he... Did he hurt his head before this date? it's worse enough that no one is love with me and my MOMMY has to get me the guys while other girls are busy getting pregnant with their boyfriends and getting kicked out of their homes... I swear if I had a boyfriend OR a baby in me, my parents would be BEYOND overjoyed. Now they push a weirdo at me? Like seriously?

'Minah yah?' Taehyung asked tilting his head, looking earth-stoppingly adorable. But Minah will never see that. He was utterly confused on seeing a frown adorn her face.

'Huh, nothing... I thought youd say something like, "My favorite colour is black, my mother got a new gucci purse last week or...''' she was yet again cut off by the waiter who placed their orders infron of them.

'Today's special, Wisconsin extra cheese pasta with corn... madame' He said in trained politness as he served gaping amounts to Minah, probably thinking she was starving because of her "high metabolism".

That's what most people thought. Minah's family had been filthy rich for her starve. Right?

The food's aroma filled her nose just as dread filled her. A hundred thousand "what ifs" running through her mind and million other calculations, like how much fat was in there or how many hours of workout she'd need to get all that cheese off her system...

'This is SO cheesy for a first date, right Minah?' joked an enthusiastic Taehyung as he dived into his meal and let the taste fill his mouth and lift his senses and show him things he ha d never seen and soon a moan made its out his cheesy mouth as he stuffed his face with more cheesy goodness. The waiter chuckled soundlessly, while Minah felt like killing herself. '

'Can I see the chef?' Taehyung asked to which the waiter grinned and nodded befor he took off towards the kitchen.  His hyung worked there and KNEW that he handled the special.

A plan had formed in his head. 

HEy, final edits are done.

do comment and lemme know what you feel, where I can improve and such so.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to

Her stories are awesome! And I would love it if y'all supported "Meraki", which is my personal fav!



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