CHAPTER 5 The Heart of Ankou

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What was he going to do, all day she tried to get inside his head and between blocking her, ignoring her, and controlling Battle he wanted nothing more but some well-deserved rest? Not only was Elvy furious and upset, but she was also hurt. He would kill anyone that hurt her and he very well couldn't kill himself. For once Ankou had no way he knew of to fix this, he understood how to deal with the first, for he knew why she was furious and upset, but he had absolutely no clue to why she was hurt. It wasn't like he didn't try to fix it. He kept trying to ask her, but after the eighth time she told him to leave her alone she finally figured out how to block him completely. So he waited, it would not be long till she fell asleep and then he would simply slip into her mind and find out what he had done that was so dam hurtful.


The feast went on without a glimpse of Elvy, the queen could sense the girls emotions and they were so mixed around even she had to concentrate to separate them. It didn't take her long to figure out who the cause of the mess was, Ankou, what had that prince done now. Well, she was about to find out, as she traveled through the castle she made sure none was around before she sifted herself into the large stable on the East wing. “Ankou, what have you done to the poor girl, her emotions are so dreary." The queen caught the eye of the large roan and barreled into his mind “Ankou I know you're in there answer me you little devil."

"What do you want Eglantina?" asked Ankou.

"I want to know what you did to the girl to make her so upset."

Ankou replied "I do not know. I have been trying to figure it out for hours, she won't answer me and she has finally figured out how to block me from her mind so now I can't even read her thoughts. If I knew what I had done I would be fixing it right now not listening to you yell at me."

The queen glared at him “Well then we best find out, now come along we are going to go see her," " Have you lost your mind little elf I can't walk into the castle you know."

"Oh you fool, must I explain everything?”  The queen paused, “It seems I must, Ankou I invite you into my mind so you can hear and see Elvy as I talk to her. Now come on I don't very well have all night."


Elvy had skipped the feast, she did not care to see any of them, how was she supposed to act as if nothing was wrong when it was just the opposite. A knock had her looking up from her perch by the window to see the queen of the elfin people. “May I come in dear?" Elvy glanced back out the window “If you feel the need to you may," she replied.

“It seems something is troubling you, would you tell me what it is."

“It is nothing; I am just tired, that is all."

“Oh I believe it is far more than that child."

“Child! Child, I am not a child, and frankly I am quite tired of being called one, and if that is why he ignored me all day because he regretted kissing a child then he shouldn't have done it in the first place!"

The queen sat silently while she listened to the ranting not only from Elvy but Ankou. “Regret, she thinks I regret that bloody kiss, it was near my undoing today, and it was the only thing I couldn't block out of my mind. Every time she tried to get an answer to why I wasn't speaking to her that blasted kiss tenfold through my memory, and it took all the bloody will I have to ignore her. And before you say something to me about ignoring her, it was for her own good I couldn't very well let her ride that blasted beast without my full concentration on keeping him under wraps and even then he escaped me a couple times."  Before he could say something else she interrupted him by asking Elvy a question. “Dear, you are not a child, and I apologize for calling you so. You must understand with someone like myself even your father is a child to the years I have spent on these isles. As for this boy you talk about, may I be wrong if I said you mean Ankou."

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