A Call For Help

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"Alright, you're good to go." I told a little 13 year old girl. About a year after Kankuro and I started dating he thought that I should open a clinic. At first it was just by passers and Kankuro's friends and family. But after another 4 years of it I had become well known all over the world. People would come from everywhere to get treated by me.

The girl ran to her mom and waved a goodbye to me and I waved back.

"Miko, can you come here for a sec." I heard Kankuro call me using his short version of my name. I sighed and walked into the house to see Kankuro working on one of his new puppet on the living room table.

"Why do we even have a room for you to build puppets if you're never going to use it?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. Kankuro looked up than looked around picking up a book off the floor.

"Why do we have a library if you don't even use it?" He asked looking at me. I sighed and walked up to him taking the book out of his hands.

"Old habits die hard." I said and put it on another table.

"Yeah okay..." He said smiling at me.

"Okay enough...What did you want?" I asked walking over to the puppet and looking down at it.

"Right. I wanted to use that poison you made me in the puppet, but it kept on corroding the tube I kept it in." He said showing me a corroded tube. I picked it up and examined it.

"Humm. If you rub the inside of the tube down with the M16 I made it should counteract the poison without invading it and making it worthless." I said as I handed it back to him. I looked to his face and he was just smiling at me. I sighed. "I'll go get it." I moaned walking out of the room.

"And people wonder why I like you." He said as I left the room.

"I wonder why I like you." I joked as I entered the lab.

"Ah look it joked!" I heard his surprised voice from the other room. I smiled to myself and walked up to the cabinet. I opened it and looked over all of the labeled jars looking for one that said M16. Finding it I picked it up and walked back to where Kankuro was.

"Who are you calling an 'it'?" I asked holding the jar with one hand up in the air. Kankuro got up and walked over.

"Humm, I wonder." He said and he leaned in and kissed me as he took the jar. I felt my face go red and I turned away. Kankuro than hugged me from behind. "Aw you're too cute." He said as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt my face redden more and tried to get away from him.

I heard someone clear their thought. "Are we interrupting something?" We both turned our heads to see Temari standing there with Gaara.

"Yes." Kankuro said and I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"N-no, of course not. What do you need." I said quickly as Temari raised and eyebrow but then sat down on one of our couches.

"Good because we got an urgent message from Sakura in Konoha." Kankuro let go and we walked to the other couch across from her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"An Akatsuki member had attacked the village." Gaara said in his usual monotone voice.

"Akatsuki?!" I said shocked. The last time I heard about them was when they had taken Gaara...and you know.

"The town was demolished and in the progress to save everyone. Lady Tsunade used too much of her chakra." Temari said. "That was two weeks ago. Lady Tsunade is still in a coma and hasn't woken up since." Temari's face then went serious. "Many people are still hurt and all of their extra hands are being used to rebuild the village. They requested you, Yumiko, to help Lady Tsunade and the others there." She finished. I nodded and got up.

"Okay, I understand. I'll leave right away. Kankuro if anyone comes in while I'm gone there is a book on what to do behind the desk." I said and walked into the lab.

"What do you mean? I'm coming with you." He said as he followed me. I opened up my cabinet and started pulling stuff out.

"You need to stay here and protect the Kazekage." I told him as I walked over to a closet and pulled out a case and opened it putting the stuff in.

"Gaara has Temari. Plus...do you even know your way there?" Kankuro asked and I froze.

"I read the directions once." I said as I closed the case.

"Once...The point is; I'm coming. I'll help rebuild the village, from what I heard they could use and extra pair of hands." He said as I walked past him into the library and started going through my book collection, pulling one out here and there.

"Fine, but if you get called back here, you are to leave right away, understood?" I turned around with the books in my hand and looked at him.

"Fine." He said. I walked towards my desk and tripped over a book that was on the floor. Before I could hit the ground Kankuro caught me. "See, what would you ever do without me." He snickered and helped me up. I sighed and picked up my books that I had dropped.

"So much." I joked and stood up. I went on my toes and pecked him on the lips getting a smile from him.

"Oh so you can do it, but I can't?" He asked. I just smiled and walked over to my desk and got my journal. I put all of my books into by bag and put it on my back.

"So here I am packing and you're just watching me?" I asked as I walked past him back into the room with a waiting Gaara and Temari.

"Are you ready?" Temari asked.

"Yup." Kankuro answered for me from behind. I turned around to see he already had his scrolls on his back. I sighed and turned back to them and nodded.

"I'll send a message saying you'll arrive in two to three days." Gaara said standing up. Temari eyed Kankuro.

"Behave yourself when you're there. You're representing Sunagakure and Gaara." She said then looked to me. I stiffened and then she just looked away. They left the house and I sighed.

"Don't tell me you're still scared of her?" Kankuro asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I swear she hates me." I said and walked to the front door.

"She does not hate you Miko." Kankuro said as he followed me out the door and locked it up.

"Well that's the only explanation I have." I told him as I started to walk down the road. Kankuro cleared his throat and I turned to look at him. "What?"

"...Wrong way." He said and pointed the other way.

"I-I knew that." I said and started walking that way.

"Read the directions once my ass." He said, getting an evil glare from me. He looked to me from the corner of his eye and smiled. "Nope," He said putting his hand in mine. "Not even remotely scary." I sighed and leaned into him.

"You're an ass." I said into his arm.

"And you love it." He said kissing the top of my head.

"For some reason." I joked again.

Antidote Master 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora