Everything hurt. Every. Single. Part. Of. His. Body.

His eyes burned, his throat itched terribly, his chest suffered under an invisible heavy weight, and he couldn't feel below his waist. Louis gives up, completely weakened by the everlasting pain and shut his eyes as he falls to the ground completely. A scream forces its way out of his mouth when he only opens his eyes to see a black figure looming over him. Just like from nightmares, the skin was wrinkled and seemed to have dark liquid oozing out. The eyes were a ghostly white as well as the lips quirked into a scowl. The teeth were sharp and covered in blood.

Louis feels a drop of blood fall onto his face and only whimpers louder while trying to move again. He couldn't feel anything below his chest now. The figure leans closer and closer to Louis' shivering figure only to smile wickedly. The cold, the feeling of being trapped with nowhere to go, and the monster straight out of a movie were all too much. It felt real.

Within a few moments, Louis couldn't move at all. He couldn't even move his jaw the slightest. His mouth is frozen shut and his eyes were beginning to burn ever more until it was unbearable. The monster inches closer and closer until Louis could feel the breath of it puffing out onto his face. Just as the horrifying creature unhinges its jaw to rip Louis' face off, Louis awakens.

He sits up in his bed so fast he gets head-rush. His breaths are labored and his body is still shivering. It seems like thousands of thoughts are squeezing their way into his mind at once. He can't even bring himself to get out of bed when the haunting picture of the monstrous creature crawls back into his brain. Instead, Louis just lays back into his messy bed and cries. He was completely oblivious to Harry waiting in the field, with a bouquet next to him.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" Askes the Beta.

Both the Alpha and Beta watch their pack leader tear apart the large bear from the safety of the cabin. They were deep in the woods; having followed after Harry when the latter ran off after dinner had ended. They watched in both awe at the strength and power of the wolf and concern for the man on the inside.

"He has been like that for nearly a week." Liam sighs, leaning on the doorway.

Harry is thrown against a tree and holds in his cry of pain. He ignores the burn of a fresh slash on his spine and the feeling of his blood slowly seeping out from said cut; he bares his sharp teeth in a threat. The bear only growls back before lunging at Harry but his strong legs allow him to jump over his victim and land back on his hind legs.

Harry was sad. He was depressed and disappointed. Harry was hopeless.

Now, he was raging. Something inside him forced him to only feel anger when thinking of the previous midnights he shared with a certain blue-eyed boy. When Harry would feel his heart sink while remembering sitting in the middle of a field until sunset—voices would only shout at him:

"How dare Louis waste your time!"

"Useless! Absolutely useless, everything."

"He is not worth anything of yours."

He was blinded by rage unable to feel anything but fury.

"There!" The brunette exclaims, "You have them both right?"

The older woman rolls her eyes before faking a smile, "Yes, I do."

"So, why cannot you just banish them off out to nowhere?"

"I've told you; I am a witch, not a genie." She sighs, "And before you ask another question, I have the capability to influence their thoughts and you've already seen what I can do to them in their sleep."

(This Allegory of) Mine; larry stylinson ABO [bottom!Louis alpha!Harry]Where stories live. Discover now