Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sherlock Holmes stepped of off the airplane, back on the runway were John and Mary Watson awaited him.

He gave them a quick nod and walked over to the black SUV were his brother Mycroft sat and joined him inside.

"England needs me?" Sherlock asked rather amused.

Mycroft looked at his brother sternly.

"Yes, England needs you" He confirmed.

The car started.

"It seems your favorite enemy has returned" Mycroft said taking out his phone.

"I thought that was you" Sherlock replied with a slight smirk.

"This is not the time for jokes, brother," Mycroft said showing Sherlock his phone. Sherlock's frowned at the screen and took the phone in his hands, just staring at the picture of Jim Moriarty looking back at Sherlock. The only words written were:

 Did you miss me?

"Not possible" Sherlock stated, "I saw him shoot himself in the face"

"Now, now, Sherlock" Mycroft said, "we all saw you jump of a building, and you're still here."

"Mycroft, this is different, I saw his dead body covered in blood" Sherlock said angrily, "I know a dead body when I see it!"

"Obviously you don't" Mycroft said taking back his phone.

"What do you want me to do?" Sherlock asked mentally recalling the day he faked his death and Moriarty apparently did as well, "I don't know where he is, what he's up to, what he wants or how to find him, what could you possibly want with me?"

"Oh Sherlock, for a genius you really are stupid" Mycroft chucked. Sherlock didn't reply.

"Sherlock, its obvious, he wants you, he's going to look for you" Mycroft explained, "he will come to us"

"You really think he's that stupid?" Sherlock scoffed.

"No, I think he's that brilliant"

"I want John and Mary out of the way" Sherlock demanded, ", Mrs. Hudson too"

"Not your call to make, brother dear" Mycroft said, "you just killed a man, don't expect to get everything you want"

"No, I refuse to put them in anymore danger than I already have"

"Sherlock, I will personally look after them but they will not be removed from any immediate danger, Moriarty will likely target them to get back at you and that is exactly what we need right now" Mycroft stated angering Sherlock.

"I swore to them I would protect them, don't you dare Mycroft"

"Am I hearing sentiment coming from you?" Mycroft asked with a smirk.

Sherlock did not reply.

The rest of the trip was silent. Once they arrived at 221B Baker Street Sherlock got out of the car without speaking a word to Mycroft and entered.

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