Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(3rd person POV)

"I'll have a mixed salad" Molly told the waitress.

"And you, sir?" She asked Sherlock.

Sherlock sighed, "a cup of water will do"

Molly glared at Sherlock and then turned to the waitress.

"He'll take a steak and salad" Molly ordered for him, "with that cup of water"

The waitress nodded and left before Sherlock could argue.

"I'm a vegetarian" Sherlock lied pathetically. 

"Shut up, Sherlock" Molly sighed.

They had gone to a small restaurant a few blocks away and Sherlock still refused to eat much. Molly wouldn't have it. He wasn't going to starve himself under her watch.

"I don't need a sitter," Sherlock muttered.

"Obviously, you do" Molly countered.

Sherlock took a piece of bread from the little basket in the center of the table, broke off a small piece, and ate it.

Molly smiled because at the minor effort  he had made to eat.

It wasn't long before the waitress brought them their food.

Sherlock picked up his glass and examined his reflection on it. Then he put it down and looked up at Molly.

"Don't look now, but in that table close to the kitchen there's a man that's been watching us since we came her" Sherlock informed her.

Molly looked.

"I told you not to look" Sherlock whisper-yelled.

"If you tell me not to look, I'm naturally going to look" Molly said,"Is he one of Moriarty's men?"

"Most likely" Sherlock said, "I think he's not convinced that we're a...umm... couple'

"Then we make him believe we are," Molly said.

"How do you plan to do that?" Sherlock asked.

"I thought that would be obvious, Sherlock"

"Not my area," Sherlock said, "contrary to popular beleif, I do not know everything"

Molly sighed.

"Just don't tell anyone I said that" Sherlocj said quickly. 

"Well first of all, we're going to have to be seen going out more often, like dates" She said blushing, "except not really, since I guess it's just for show"

Sherlock nodded.

The man eyed them suspiciously and then continued pretending to read the newspaper.

Molly reached for Sherlock's hand across the table.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock asked removing his hand from Molly's

"Pretending to be your girlfriend," Molly explained, "now take my hand and look at me in the eyes and pretend you care"

"I don't have to pretend I care" Sherlock said after a moment.


"You're my friend, Molly, of course I care about you" Sherlock said shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Molly smiled slightly, still not convinced.

Sherlock took Molly's hand in his.

"Now pretend to laugh at something I said" Molly ordered.

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