Chapter 7

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"No,no,no! This can not be happening!" I began to breathe heavily,what was he doing here was all I could think of.

I stepped away from the door and looked out the window to see if he was still there,to no surprise he was standing there taping his foot looking all impatient. Can't he just go the heck away?!

"Yo Jenna,who's at the door?" Sydney questioned.

I turned to her still trying to figure out what to do,"my dumb arsehole ex boyfriend."

"Woah no way! Why is here?"

"Beats me" I told her.

I turned away from Sydney and back towards the door,I took the braid out and smoothed down my hair. Taking in a deep breath I opened the door.

"What do you want Ryan?" I asked him. He jumped a little bit surprised that I opened the door.

"Well of course I'm here to see you,my favourite girl in the whole world." He told me with a dumb smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him,"Ryan we broke up 4 freaking months ago. I haven't talked to you since,can't you take the hint that I really don't want to see you or let alone talk to you? Are you that dense?"

He suddenly reached out to grab my hand,before he could i reached up and smacked his hand away.

"Woah babe,watch yourself. That's no way to treat me" he said to me.

I stepped away from the door and looked at him with anger clearly evident on my face,"I am not your babe you piece of shit. Now I'd appreciate it if you would escort your no good,lying,cheating ass away from me. Buh bye." I waved and slammed the door in his face.

I quickly walked away from the door until I stopped and heard him say "This isn't the last time you'll be seeing me this summer Jenna!"

I waited until I heard him walk away,I sighed in relief. What did he mean this isn't the last time?

Sydney cleared her throat and I turned to look at her,"I know this not the time for this but,damn he is a mighty fine piece of meat."

I looked at her for a second before grabbing a pillow of the couch and throwing it at her. It her right in the head as she started laughing.

"Hey! It had to be said!" She said still laughing away. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Yeah whatever Sydney." I said still giggling like an idiot.

I could already tell this was going to be a long summer camp.
Sorry for the really short and well overdue chapter! Just thought I should update! Hope you enjoy aha.

Kristen xxxx

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