Part 1.2- Anesthesia

Start from the beginning

Eren's POV,

I groaned as my eyes opened and I was buried into Levi's chest panting. I looked up to see Levi's worried gaze. I couldn't help but notice the flash of desire in his eyes as I placed my hands around his neck. My body acting on it's own, as my lips collided together with his. He went rigid underneath my touch before slowly relaxing returning the kiss. I whimpered and tilted my head to try and deepen the kiss. He groaned into the kiss allowing his tongue to slip out and flick across my bottom lip, making my body become aware of every single aspect of his being. With a submissive whimper/moan I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to slip past my lips and explore the wet cavern that was my mouth. I felt so hot as his tongue danced with mine, his body pressing into mine, making me stumble back nearly breaking the kiss. Luckily his lips followed mine as I fell back into the bed. "P-please..." I whimpered out as his hands wandered over my entire body. It felt amazing having someone else's hands against my body. He smirked and pulled away from the heated kiss, his actions stopping making my body shudder. I grumbled softly and glared up at my alpha with a slightly muddled gaze. He made it worse by making my body hot and ready, then all of the sudden pulling back. "Now, now Eren.. I have to ask...' he leaned down close to my ear 'do you have any condoms? We wouldn't want you pregnant now would we?" he whispered before biting at the lobe of my ear, slightly pulling. "I-in the bottom drawer o-over there..." I whispered pointing towards the mahogany desk in the corner of my room, which held posters from many different anime's and punk rock bands. One of my favorites was the BOTDF Bewitched poster. With Jay standing behind Dahvie as he held a heart in his hand, the girl in the weird costume and green eyes smirking behind Jay. The woods surrounding them dark and eerie.

Levi smirked at me as he realized I was off in my own little world. His body gradually removing itself from the position above me. I whined and gripped the fabric on his back trying to get him to stay. He smiled softly before gently removing my hands, getting up and grabbing the condoms, along with a small bottle of lubricant I had no idea I even had. My whining came to a stop as I felt his cool hands slipping beneath the waistline of my jeans, pulling them off leaving my clad in boxers. He tossed my clothes off to the side, unforgotten in the darkness of my room. After he had his share of staring hungrily at my body, he began ripping his clothes off just as fast as he could. Tossing them to the side, as he had done with my clothes. I tried my best to work on relaxing my body for the pain that would become pleasure in the end.

As he pushed his fingers, now completely soaked in the cool liquid, inside of me. I was thrown into a flashback of the first time I had experienced sexual touches. It was with my crush Jean Kirstein. We were in gym class and we were changing...


I ripped my shirt off in an attempt to make it to the basketball rack before anyone else, when I felt hands slid down my newly bare skin, making their way down to my arce. I shivered and turned around only to be faced with... my crush? I was so confused... "I thought you were straight..." I stated backing away from him, only to have him follow me, until my back hit something hard. I reached my hand back and it was the lockers at the back of the gym which was used for 'initiation' into the high school. I began to shake... he wanted to initiate me today. I felt my eyes burn slightly at the feeling of hands snaking down the front of my skinny jeans. His hands roaming around slightly before moving to my buttox, feeling his way into my boxers to poke and prod at my entrance. I began to cry, my body racking with sobs. I lost count of how many people ended up joining him in 'initiating' me into the school.

Afterwards, they all stared at my broken and bruised body laughing and joking about how much of a pussy I was and how they were glad to mess up a faggot like me. They then went on to say how I deserved to be raped, and how my mother and father disappeared because I was a useless faggot who had nothing to give this world but disappointment and disgust. They said that I was the disgusting one... like what.the.fudoodlecakes? I wasn't the one who fucking raped the new homosexual kid. "Fuck you.." I spat out along with a few splatters of blood.... They all turned back to me and Jean kicked me in the face... "Yeah? Well we just did. Get over it fucking disgusting Faggot." he spat the word out at me like it was the most disgusting thing in the world. Well, the word is but being Gay is fine... "So what if I like taking a dick up the ass hole, it's better than risking child birth by 'forgetting a condom' as you adn your crew seemed to say last week about Annie. You are the disgusting one's... you're filthy you're useless you're telling me that my dead parents died because of me? You insulient pieces of shit accuse me of being the cause of my parents death, not only that but you even have the audacity to make fun of my sexuality. Now you can get out of here or risk seeing the reason why I'm the only living S-class Omega in the world." I sputtered out trying my best to hold onto my control over Omega who wanted to be let loose... Let's just say they never made another attempt at touching me. That was also the year my sister Mikasa died from brain cancer at age 7. I ended up trying to kill myself with my father's gun. In the end I wasn't strong enough to pull the trigger no matter how much I wanted to....

End of Flashback...

~~~~ ( ~ * O * ~) ~~~~

I felt the tears rushing down my face, making Levi stop in his actions. His nody went into a state of shock as my body twitched convulsed violently....

Levi's POV,

What.The.Fuck... I was at a loss for words. One second the kid is moaning and begging for more, then next thing you know he's crying and convulsing underneath me. I was sent into a shock as my wolf whimpered and howled a tune so sad, it sounded like death itself was coming to life...

Little did I know.. That wasn't too far from the truth...

I am so sorry... this is so long... Oh and by the way the new chapter of Diary of A Titan should be up by tomorrow night... Unless my idiotic husband has plans set for us...

Oh and I joined a scary story sharing contest and won so I am going to give you a sneak peek at my winning piece...

 Don't be Afraid.... It's Just 'Me'... 

The thunder cracked from outside the rickety old shelter, that had been standing in the same spot for over 57 years. No one cared enough to tear it down, It seemed to be the only thing that kept the small town of Fridgewood, Veronia standing. You see, Fridgewood had something off about it... Every night the citizens would close and lock their windows, in a sense that  'Me' would come along. 'Me' was not a person, not an object, nor an animal. 'Me' was a body less spirit who came from Hell itself. 'Me', was notorious for stealing people's dreams from them  along with a precious person of theirs . Now don't just think, "Oh my god! Stealing people's dreams is stupid.." well stop thining that... because 'Me'... doesn't just take the dream and move on. It's very painful  for the dreamer, because... 'Me' enters the persons dream as the one they love the most, it then makes the person watch as it slowly devours the loved one, all while the person is tied up and unable to move or speak. Said person, either dies from shock, or ends up in a psychiatric ward... because the very moment they wake up... 'Me' is standing there holding the person's previous loved one... I say previous because they are dead... 'Me' is like a reverse Freddy Kruger, instead of killing the person in the dream and in reality, it kills the one they love the most... The most heartwrenching one, was the single mother and an eight month old baby... 'Me' drowned the child as the mother was forced to watch... The next mornign though the baby was still alove... Why you ask?... Well.. it may be evil but not evil enough to kill a baby. However it did kill her adoptive daughter three years later. It stabbed her to death as the mother had her eyes held open by an unseen force. Now back to the rickety old shelter... Rumor has it that is where 'Me' dwells. Also right before he delivers the final blow to your loved one, it turns around and stares into your soul before whispering in a sinister yet somehow calming tone,.. "Don't be Afraid.... It's just 'Me'..." ...

I know what you're thinking this is complete, absolute shit... I wanted to have 'Me' kill the baby but then I thought of my own and started crying... So I decided to let the baby live... in reality... Hope you can go to scary story webpage and find my winning story. Oh yeah if you don't know the name of it it't-be-afraid-it's-just-me/09837514-17


Picture Perfect  (Omega!Eren x Alpha!Levi)Where stories live. Discover now